Release under GPLv3
To install rdiffweb, you need to install the the prerequisites. On Debian distribution you may proceed as follow:
sudo apt-get install python-cherrypy3 python2 python-pysqlite2 libsqlite3-dev python-jinja2 python-setuptools python-babel rdiff-backup
Then you may download a snapshot of the repository and proceed with the installation on your system.
wget --no-check-certificate -O rdiffweb.tar.gz
tar zxf rdiffweb.tar.gz
cd rdiffweb-*
sudo python install
If it's the frist time you are installing rdiffweb on the system, you will need to manually copy rdw.conf
to /etc/rdiffweb
sudo mkdir -p /etc/rdiffweb
sudo cp rdw.conf /etc/rdiffweb/
You may also need to create an init script to startup rdiffweb on reboot. One is provided for Debian 7 (Wheezy):
sudo cp extras/init/rdiffweb /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/rdiffweb
sudo update-rc.d rdiffweb defaults
sudo /etc/init.d/rdiffweb start
On Debian 8 (Jessie) you need to create systemd file. The following was provided by contributors:
sudo cp extras/systemd/rdiffweb.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo service rdiffweb start
By default, the web server is listening on port 8080 and is accessible via the following URL.
On First start, you should access rdiffweb using default crendentials:
- username : admin
- password : admin123
rdiffweb may be translated. This section describe briefly how to translate rdiffweb. It's not a complete instruction set, it's merely a reminder.
Extract the strings to be translated.
./ extract_messages --output-file rdiffweb/locales/messages.pot
./ compile_catalog --directory rdiffweb/locales --locale fr