Stellar literally derived from Latin "Stella" which means star, in English referring "something that exceptionally perfect",
While Coffee referring "a godly substance which can enhance a programmer by an exceptionally amount"
This is a digital object called "Za Programs" which tries to mimic a Cafe
The last time was an CLI Program, while this one is a proper Human-friendly program in a form of something called "Website"
Jokes aside, Its simulate an digital ordering system on a coffee shop backed by an REST API
Tell me more about this program? Fine.
It's actually consist of 2 Core Part, FrontEnd and BackEnd
Frontend Stuff | Backend Stuff |
Homepage | User Authenticaton System |
Menu Page | Order Logging System |
User Leaderboard Page | Today Specials Generation System |
Special Menu Page | User Leaderboard Ranking System |
User Login Page | Rest API + Auth + CORS |
Click Here For More In-depth Stuff Documentation
- Modularity (Obviously)
- Database Management
- Hashing
- Linear Searching
- Bubble Sorting
- Graph Coloring
- Array
- Hashmap
- Graph
Libraries | Function |
Flask | Provides Backend Microinfrastructure |
Flask-cors | Provides CORS for Flask Framework |
Flask-SQLAlchemy | Provides SQLAlchemy Integrations for Flask Framework |
SQLAlchemy | Provides Database Interface Abstraction for Python |