Longhorn is a distributed block storage system for Kubernetes.
Longhorn is lightweight, reliable, and powerful. You can install Longhorn on an existing Kubernetes cluster with one kubectl apply
command or using Helm charts. Once Longhorn is installed, it adds persistent volume support to the Kubernetes cluster.
Longhorn implements distributed block storage using containers and microservices. Longhorn creates a dedicated storage controller for each block device volume and synchronously replicates the volume across multiple replicas stored on multiple nodes. The storage controller and replicas are themselves orchestrated using Kubernetes. Here are some notable features of Longhorn:
- Enterprise-grade distributed storage with no single point of failure
- Incremental snapshot of block storage
- Backup to secondary storage (NFS or S3-compatible object storage) built on efficient change block detection
- Recurring snapshot and backup
- Automated non-disruptive upgrade. You can upgrade the entire Longhorn software stack without disrupting running volumes!
- Intuitive GUI dashboard
You can read more technical details of Longhorn here.
Longhorn is beta-quality software. We appreciate your willingness to deploy Longhorn and provide feedback.
The latest release of Longhorn is v0.8.0.
Longhorn is 100% open source software. Project source code is spread across a number of repos:
- Longhorn engine -- Core controller/replica logic https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-engine
- Longhorn manager -- Longhorn orchestration, includes Flexvolume driver for Kubernetes https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-manager
- Longhorn UI -- Dashboard https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-ui
- Docker v1.13+
- Kubernetes v1.14+.
has been installed on all the nodes of the Kubernetes cluster, andiscsid
daemon is running on all the nodes.- For GKE, recommended Ubuntu as guest OS image since it contains open-iscsi already.
- For Debian/Ubuntu, use
apt-get install open-iscsi
to install. - For RHEL/CentOS, use
yum install iscsi-initiator-utils
to install. - For EKS with
EKS Kubernetes Worker AMI with AmazonLinux2 image
, useyum install iscsi-initiator-utils
to install. You may need to edit cluster security group to allow ssh access.
- A host filesystem supports
file extents
feature on the nodes to store the data. Currently we support:- ext4
The easiest way to install Longhorn is to deploy Longhorn from Rancher Catalog.
- On Rancher UI, select the cluster and project you want to install Longhorn. We recommended to create a new project e.g.
for Longhorn. - Navigate to the
Catalog Apps
screen. SelectLaunch
, find Longhorn in the list. SelectView Details
, then clickLaunch
. Longhorn will be installed in thelonghorn-system
After Longhorn has been successfully installed, you can access the Longhorn UI by navigating to the Catalog Apps
One benefit of installing Longhorn through Rancher catalog is Rancher provides authentication to Longhorn UI.
If there is a new version of Longhorn available, you will see an Upgrade Available
sign on the Catalog Apps
screen. You can click Upgrade
button to upgrade Longhorn manager. See more about upgrade here.
You can install Longhorn on any Kubernetes cluster using following command:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/longhorn.yaml
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) requires additional setup in order for Longhorn to function properly. If your are a GKE user, read this page before proceeding.
First, you need to initialize Helm locally and install Tiller into your Kubernetes cluster with RBAC.
Then download Longhorn repository:
git clone https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn.git
Now using following command to install Longhorn:
- Helm2
helm install ./longhorn/chart --name longhorn --namespace longhorn-system
- Helm3
kubectl create namespace longhorn-system
helm install longhorn ./longhorn/chart/ --namespace longhorn-system
Longhorn will be installed in the namespace longhorn-system
One of the two available drivers (CSI and Flexvolume) would be chosen automatically based on the version of Kubernetes you use. See here for details.
A successful CSI-based deployment looks like this:
# kubectl -n longhorn-system get pod
compatible-csi-attacher-d9fb48bcf-2rzmb 1/1 Running 0 8m58s
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-grn2c 1/1 Running 0 32s
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-lfzvq 1/1 Running 0 8m59s
csi-attacher-78bf9b9898-r64sv 1/1 Running 0 33s
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-c8r79 1/1 Running 0 33s
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-fc5pz 1/1 Running 0 33s
csi-provisioner-8599d5bf97-p9psl 1/1 Running 0 8m59s
csi-resizer-586665f745-b7p6h 1/1 Running 0 8m59s
csi-resizer-586665f745-kgdxs 1/1 Running 0 33s
csi-resizer-586665f745-vsvvq 1/1 Running 0 33s
engine-image-ei-e10d6bf5-pv2s6 1/1 Running 0 9m30s
instance-manager-e-379373af 1/1 Running 0 8m41s
instance-manager-r-101f13ba 1/1 Running 0 8m40s
longhorn-csi-plugin-7v2dc 4/4 Running 0 8m59s
longhorn-driver-deployer-775897bdf6-k4sfd 1/1 Running 0 10m
longhorn-manager-79xgj 1/1 Running 0 9m50s
longhorn-ui-9fbb5445-httqf 0/1 Running 0 33s
For Longhorn v0.8.0+, UI service type has been changed from
You can run kubectl -n longhorn-system get svc
to get Longhorn UI service:
longhorn-backend ClusterIP <none> 9500/TCP 58m
longhorn-frontend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 58m
To access Longhorn UI when installed from YAML manifest, you need to create an ingress controller.
See more about how to create an Nginx ingress controller with basic authentication here
See here for details.
Follow the same steps for installation to upgrade Longhorn manager
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/longhorn.yaml
helm upgrade longhorn ./longhorn/chart
After Longhorn Manager was upgraded, Longhorn Engine also need to be upgraded using Longhorn UI. See here for details.
Before you create Kubernetes volumes, you must first create a storage class. Use following command to create a StorageClass called longhorn
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/examples/storageclass.yaml
Now you can create a pod using Longhorn like this:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/examples/pvc.yaml
The above yaml file contains two parts:
- Create a PVC using Longhorn StorageClass.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: longhorn-volv-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: longhorn
storage: 2Gi
- Use it in the a Pod as a persistent volume:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: volume-test
namespace: default
- name: volume-test
image: nginx:stable-alpine
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: volv
mountPath: /data
- containerPort: 80
- name: volv
claimName: longhorn-volv-pvc
More examples are available at ./examples/
You can click Generate Support Bundle
link at the bottom of the UI to download a zip file contains Longhorn related configuration and logs.
See here for the troubleshooting guide.
To prevent damaging the Kubernetes cluster, we recommend deleting all Kubernetes workloads using Longhorn volumes (PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, StorageClass, Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet, etc) first.
Create the uninstallation job to clean up CRDs from the system and wait for success:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/uninstall/uninstall.yaml
kubectl get job/longhorn-uninstall -w
Example output:
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/uninstall/uninstall.yaml
serviceaccount/longhorn-uninstall-service-account created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/longhorn-uninstall-role created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/longhorn-uninstall-bind created
job.batch/longhorn-uninstall created
$ kubectl get job/longhorn-uninstall -w
longhorn-uninstall 0/1 3s 3s
longhorn-uninstall 1/1 20s 20s
- Remove remaining components:
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/longhorn.yaml
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/uninstall/uninstall.yaml
Tip: If you try kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/longhorn.yaml
first and get stuck there,
pressing Ctrl C
then running kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/uninstall/uninstall.yaml
can also help you remove Longhorn. Finally, don't forget to cleanup remaining components.
helm delete longhorn --purge
Longhorn is an open source software, so contribution are greatly welcome. Please read Code of Conduct and Contributing Guideline before contributing.
Contributing code is not the only way of contributing. We value feedbacks very much and many of the Longhorn features are originated from users' feedback. If you have any feedbacks, feel free to file an issue and talk to the developers at the CNCF #longhorn slack channel.
Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The Longhorn Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.