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Routing features with SwiftUI

Problem statement

This sample code contains a solution to a problem of decoupling navigation from Views written with SwiftUI using VIPER architecture.

This repo has 2 sample apps in the separate folder:

  • /14.5/FeatureRoutingSwiftUI.xcodeproj
  • /16/FeatureRoutingSwiftUI.xcodeproj

Project structure

Each app contains 2 packages in order to isolate the modules:

  • DetailsKit
  • ExtraDetailsKit

Which are imported by Root feature with dynamic presentation based on the switch in UI.


iOS 14.5 using NavigationBackport

This package uses the navigation APIs available in older SwiftUI versions (such as NavigationView and NavigationLink) to recreate the new NavigationStack APIs introduced in WWDC22, so that you can start targeting those APIs on older versions of iOS, tvOS and watchOS.

NavigationStack -> NBNavigationStack

NavigationLink -> NBNavigationLink

NavigationPath -> NBNavigationPath

navigationDestination -> nbNavigationDestination

NavigationPath.CodableRepresentation -> NBNavigationPath.CodableRepresentation

You can migrate to these APIs now, and when you eventually bump your deployment target to iOS 16, you can remove this library and easily migrate to its SwiftUI equivalent. NavigationStack's full API is replicated, so you can initialise an NBNavigationStack with a binding to an Array, with a binding to a NBNavigationPath binding, or with no binding at all.

iOS 16 using native iOS navigation NavigationStack

NavigationStack allows separating the destination view from the current visible view, by using the .navigationDestination modifier. It's finally a way of doing a clean coordinator.

Router implementation

Router provides the navigation logic

extension RootRouter: RootRouting {
    func makeNavigationView<Label: View>(viewModels: [DataViewModel],
                                          @ViewBuilder label: @escaping (DataViewModel) -> Label) -> AnyView {
        List {
            ForEach(viewModels) { viewModel in
                switch self.presentationStyle {
                case .detailsStack, .extraDetailsStack:
                    NavigationLink(value: viewModel) {
                case .detailsModally:
                        .makeSheet {
                            NavigationView {
                                DetailsView.make(viewModel: viewModel.makeDetailsViewModel(), router: self)
                case .extraDetailsModally:
                        .makeSheet {
                            NavigationView {
                                ExtraDetailsView.make(viewModel: viewModel.makeExtraDetailsViewModel())
        .navigationDestination(for: DataViewModel.self, destination: { viewModel in
            switch self.presentationStyle {
            case .detailsStack:
                DetailsView.make(viewModel: viewModel.makeDetailsViewModel(), router: self)
            case .extraDetailsStack:
                ExtraDetailsView.make(viewModel: viewModel.makeExtraDetailsViewModel())
            case .detailsModally, .extraDetailsModally:
        .navigationDestination(for: DetailsKit.DetailsViewModel.self, destination: { viewModel in
            DetailsView.make(viewModel: viewModel, router: self)
        .navigationDestination(for: ExtraDetailsKit.ExtraDetailsViewModel.self, destination: { viewModel in
            ExtraDetailsView.make(viewModel: viewModel)

Presentation flow



External resources

Problem statement and discussions could be found here on stackoverflow


Feature routing using SwiftUI






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