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Advanced Custom Fields Pro, Git-ified. Synced manual! This repository is just a mirror of the Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues.

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=== Advanced Custom Fields Pro ===
Contributors: elliotcondon
Tags: acf, advanced, custom, field, fields, custom field, custom fields, simple fields, magic fields, more fields, repeater, edit
Requires at least: 3.6.0
Tested up to: 4.7.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields

== Description ==

Advanced Custom Fields is the perfect solution for any WordPress website which needs more flexible data like other Content Management Systems. 

* Visually create your Fields
* Select from multiple input types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file, page link, post object, relationship, select, checkbox, radio buttons, date picker, true / false, repeater, flexible content, gallery and more to come!)
* Assign your fields to multiple edit pages (via custom location rules)
* Easily load data through a simple and friendly API
* Uses the native WordPress custom post type for ease of use and fast processing
* Uses the native WordPress metadata for ease of use and fast processing

= Field Types =
* Text (type text, api returns text)
* Text Area (type text, api returns text)
* Number (type number, api returns integer)
* Email (type email, api returns text)
* Password (type password, api returns text)
* WYSIWYG (a WordPress wysiwyg editor, api returns html)
* Image (upload an image, api returns the url)
* File (upload a file, api returns the url)
* Select (drop down list of choices, api returns chosen item)
* Checkbox (tickbox list of choices, api returns array of choices)
* Radio Buttons ( radio button list of choices, api returns chosen item)
* True / False (tick box with message, api returns true or false)
* Page Link (select 1 or more page, post or custom post types, api returns the selected url)
* Post Object (select 1 or more page, post or custom post types, api returns the selected post objects)
* Relationship (search, select and order post objects with a tidy interface, api returns the selected post objects)
* Taxonomy (select taxonomy terms with options to load, display and save, api returns the selected term objects)
* User (select 1 or more WP users, api returns the selected user objects)
* Google Maps (interactive map, api returns lat,lng,address data)
* Date Picker (jquery date picker, options for format, api returns string)
* Color Picker (WP color swatch picker)
* Tab (Group fields into tabs)
* Message (Render custom messages into the fields)
* Repeater (ability to create repeatable blocks of fields!)
* Flexible Content (ability to create flexible blocks of fields!)
* Gallery (Add, edit and order multiple images in 1 simple field)
* [Custom]( (Create your own field type!)

= Tested on =
* Mac Firefox 	:)
* Mac Safari 	:)
* Mac Chrome	:)
* PC Safari 	:)
* PC Chrome		:)
* PC Firefox	:)
* iPhone Safari :)
* iPad Safari 	:)
* PC ie7		:S

= Website =

= Documentation =
* [Getting Started](
* [Field Types](
* [Functions](
* [Actions](
* [Filters](
* [How to guides](
* [Tutorials](

= Bug Submission and Forum Support =

= Please Vote and Enjoy =
Your votes really make a difference! Thanks.

== Installation ==

1. Upload 'advanced-custom-fields' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Click on the new menu item "Custom Fields" and create your first Custom Field Group!
4. Your custom field group will now appear on the page / post / template you specified in the field group's location rules!
5. Read the documentation to display your data: 

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Q. I have a question =
A. Chances are, someone else has asked it. Check out the support forum at:

== Screenshots ==

1. Creating the Advanced Custom Fields

2. Adding the Custom Fields to a page and hiding the default meta boxes

3. The Page edit screen after creating the Advanced Custom Fields

4. Simple and intuitive API. Read the documentation at:

== Changelog ==

= 5.4.8 =
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug in 'layout_title' filter preventing values being loaded correctly

= 5.4.7 =
* Time Picker field: Fixed bug preventing default time from being selected
* Date Picker field: Improved compatibility with unix timestamp values
* File field: Fixed validation bugs when used as a sub field (multiple selection)
* Select field: Fixed bug incorrectly allowing a disabled field (hidden by conditional logic) to save values
* API: Added new `add_sub_row()` function
* API: Added new `update_sub_row()` function
* API: Added new `delete_sub_row()` function
* Core: Fixed bug causing 'sync' issues with sub clone fields
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements

= 5.4.6 =
* Gallery field: Fixed bug where open sidebar fields were saved to post
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug causing Google map render issue within collapsed layout
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug during 'duplicate layout' where radio input values were lost
* API: Fixed bug causing `get_row(true)` to return incorrect values
* Core: Fixed bug where preview values did not load for a draft post
* Core: Added notice when PRO license fails to validate URL
* Core: Fixed bug where conditional logic would incorrectly enable select elements
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements

= 5.4.5 =
* API: Fixed bug in `acf_form()` where AJAX validation ignored 'post_title'
* API: Improved `update_field()` when saving a new value (when reference value does not yet exist)
* Core: Added search input & toggle to admin field groups list
* Core: Fixed bug where preview values did not load for a draft post

= 5.4.4 =
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed JS error when 'Disable the visual editor when writing' is checked

= 5.4.3 =
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed JS bug (since WP 4.6) causing conflicts with editor plugins
* Google Maps field: Fixed JS error conflict with Divi theme
* Radio field: Fixed bug (Chrome only) ignoring default values in cloned sub fields
* Core: Fixed `wp_get_sites()` deprecated error (since WP 4.6) shown in network admin

= 5.4.2 =
* API: Fixed bug preventing post_title and post_content values saving in `acf_form()`

= 5.4.1 =
* API: Fixed bug causing `get_fields('options')` to return false
* Core: Fixed bug causing `get_current_screen()` to throw PHP error
* Core: Fixed bug causing 'Preview Post' to load empty field values

= 5.4.0 =
* Clone field: Added new field type (
* Gallery field: Removed 'Preview Size' setting and improved UI
* Taxonomy field: Added compatibility to save/load terms to user object
* Select field: Added new 'Return Format' setting
* Radio field: Added new 'Return Format' setting
* Checkbox field: Added new 'Return Format' setting
* Page link field: Added new 'Allow Archives URLs' setting
* Core: Fixed plugin update bug delaying updates
* Core: Fixed bug when editing field settings in Chrome causing required setting to self toggle
* Core: Improved speed and fixed bugs when creating and restoring revisions
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Portuguese translation - thanks to Pedro Mendonca
* Language: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation - thanks to Augusto Simão
* Language: Updated Dutch translation - thanks to Derk Oosterveld
* Language: Updated Persian translation - thanks to Kamel
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Updated Swiss German translation - thanks to Raphael Hüni

= 5.3.10 =
* Core: Added new 'google_api_key' and 'google_api_client' global settings
* Google Map: Added new 'acf/fields/google_map/api' filter

= =
* Time Picker field: Added compatibility with previous 3rd party field settings
* Core: Fixed JS error setting l10n for Select2 with 3rd party libraries

= =
* Time Picker field: Fixed bug causing value to appear as current time
* API: Fixed bug causing `have_rows()` to fail when using an object as $post_id parameter

= 5.3.9 =
* Date Time Picker field: Added new field
* Time Picker field: Added new field
* Taxonomy field: Fixed bug preventing saved terms from being loaded during save/update actions
* API: Added new function `the_row_index()` to output the current row number (1,2,3)
* Core: Improved import tool to update existing field groups
* Core: Added upgrade_notice message to plugins page for future announcements
* Core: Fixed bug where updating value did not clear persistent cache
* Core: Added Select2 JS strings to .pot for translation
* Core: Added Date and Time picker JS strings to .pot for translation
* Core: Improved compatibility with WPML during AJAX calls
* Core: Fixed bug preventing access to network database upgrade page
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Swedish translation - thanks to Jonathan de Jong
* Language: Updated Russian translation - thanks to Andy Toniyevych 
* Language: Updated Portuguese translation - thanks to Pedro Mendonca
* Language: Updated Polish translation - thanks to Michal Lepiarz
* Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Added Arabic translation - thanks to Adil el hallaoui

= =
* Image field: Fixed JS bug causing errors when 'Uploaded to post' library setting is checked
* File field: Same as above
* Gallery field: Same as above
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug preventing `get_sub_field()` from working within 'layout_title' filter
* Radio field: Fixed bug causing field name to change when adding 'other' choice to a sub field

= 5.3.8 =
* Gallery field: Added new 'Insert' setting to control where new attachments are added
* Radio field: Added new 'Allow Null' setting
* Relationship field: Added attachment mime type icons when no thumbnail is available
* Core: Fixed bug causing customizer preview values from loading on newly added widgets
* Core: Improved attachments location rule for future compatibility with specific mime types
* Core: Fixed bug causing select2 to appear blank after duplicating a field setting
* Core: Fixed bug causing PHP error on front-end plugin update check
* Core: Updated title elements (h1, h2, h3) to match WP 4.5
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Core: Fixed bug where comment fields appeared in different locations for logged in/out users
* Language: Updated Polish translation - thanks to Michal Lepiarz
* Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè
* Language: Updated Portuguese translation - thanks to Pedro Mendonca
* Language: Updated Swiss German translation - thanks to Raphael Hüni
* Language: Updated French Translation - thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet

= 5.3.7 =
* Options page: Added new 'update_button' setting to modify update button text
* Options page: Added columns support (Screen Options)
* Core: Added widget preview / save compatibility with the customizer
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Updated French Translation - thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet

= =
* Flexible Content field: Fixed PHP error in 'acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title' filter (when used as a sub field)
* Core: Fixed bug causing `get_field()` to load from the incorrect post (when within a custom WP_Query loop)

= 5.3.6 =
* Flexible Content field: Added new 'acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title' filter to customize layout title
* Image field: Fixed bug where searching within media library would ignore restriction settings
* File field: Same as above
* Field group: Added post types to comment form location rules
* Color Picker field: Added 'color_picker_args' JS filter to modify wpColorPicker args
* API: Improved `get_` functions to load value from the current queried object (post, user, term)
* Core: Added new 'acf/translate_field' filter to translate field settings text
* Core: Added new 'acf/translate_field_group' filter to translate field group settings text
* Core: Removed 'l10n_field' and 'l10n_field_group' settings
* Core: Fixed bug causing 'acf/input/admin_head' action to run twice
* Core: Added support for new WP 4.5 term edit page
* Core: Moved google map and wysiwyg JS initialisation later in the page load to help speed up edit screens
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements

= 5.3.5 =
* User field: Fixed pagination bug causing missing results
* Core: Added new filter 'acf/location/screen' to customize location rules matching args
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Dutch translation - thanks to Derk Oosterveld
* Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè
* Language: Added Swiss German translation - thanks to Raphael Hüni

= 5.3.4 =
* User field: Added pagination for Select2 results
* Tab field: Fixed issue where no tab was active within a widget
* Taxonomy field: Fixed issue where term order was lost when using 'load_terms' setting
* Image field: Alt tag will now update when editing/changing selected image
* Field group: Removed Comic sans 'Drag/drop' text (OMG)
* Core: Changed button classes from '.acf-button' to '.button'
* Core: Fixed double `__()` issue when exporting field group with new l10n settings
* Core: Removed some 'wp_cache_delete()' functions to improve load speed on heavily cached websites
* Core: Removed `esc_html()` from field label and added new filter 'acf/get_field_label'
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* API: Added new 'honeypot' setting to the `acf_form()` function
* Language: Added Bulgarian translation - thanks to Marin Atanasov
* Language: Added Swiss German translation - thanks to Raphael Hüni
* Language: Added Indonesian translation - thanks to Rio Bermano

= =
* Core: Fixed bug preventing new translation settings 'l10n_field' and 'l10n_field_group'
* Core: Fixed bug preventing plugin updates when included within theme
* Core: Added `esc_html()` to field label

= =
* Tab field: Fixed bug causing issues with conditional logic
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed PHP error on front end form

= 5.3.3 =
* Google Maps field: Fixed bug where pasting value did not trigger auto complete
* Select field: Improved Select2 search matching for special characters
* Select field: Improved asset loading to allow other Select2 libraries to load first
* Select field: Added compatibility for both Select2 v3 and v4
* WYSIWYG field: Added new responsive images filter to the 'acf_the_content' filter
* oEmbed field: Added compatibility for custom oEmbed handlers
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug causing sub fields to move when duplicating layouts
* Core: Added new translation settings 'l10n', 'l10n_textdomain', 'l10n_field' and 'l10n_field_group'
* Core: Improved Export to PHP feature which now uses the above translation settings
* Core: Fixed PHP error preventing new field groups from loading when editing a post
* Core: Added hierarchy to taxonomy terms shown in drop down elements
* Core: Improved update logic to ignore plugin when included within a theme / plugin
* API: Improved `acf_form()` loading efficiency when using 'new_post' setting
* API: Improved `add_row()` function to work when no value exists
* API: Added new function `get_row_index()` to use within the `have_rows()` loop
* Language: Updated Polish translation - thanks to Michal Lepiarz
* Language: Updated Persian translation - thanks to Kamel
* Language: Updated Spanish translation - thanks to Federico Schäfer
* Language: Updated Norwegian translation - thanks to Havard Grimelid
* Language: Updated Swedish translation - thanks to Björn Göransson

= =
* Core: Fixed PHP error when registering a local field missing one of more settings
* Core: Fixed incorrect json load_path setting when WPML is active
* Language: Updated Polish translation - thanks to Michal Lepiarz

= =
* Core: Fixed bug causing issues when loading values from an options page, widget or taxonomy term

= 5.3.2 =
* Repeater field: Added new setting and icon to collapse row
* Google Maps: Improved google API loading for better theme compatibility
* Taxonomy field: Fixed bug where 'Add new term' popup only showed 20 parent terms
* Core: Added new setting 'export_translate' to customise which field settings should be wrapped in __()
* Core: Improved efficiency of AJAX call when finding new field groups when editing a post
* API: Added new functions add_row(), update_row() and delete_row()
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè
* Language: Updated Dutch translation - thanks to Derk Oosterveld
* Language: Updated Portuguese translation - thanks to Augusto Simão

= 5.3.1 =
* Flexible Content field: added toggle icons to show layout open/close state
* Gallery field: Fixed bug where images could not save a blank title value
* Taxonomy field: Added pagination when rendered as a Select2 element
* Relationship field: Changed validation to better edit values when a minimum is set
* Google map field: Fixed minor autocomplete bugs and added search icon
* Message field: Added new_lines setting
* Core: Added '*' to required fields when editing a field group
* Core: Prevented updates to .json file when syncing
* Core: Fields now render as div (instead of table) when labels are left aligned
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated .po headers - thanks to Ralf Koller

= 5.3.0 =
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed 'Visual/Text' toggle bug with WP 4.3
* Select field: Fixed Select2 bug hiding selected choices

= 5.2.9 =
* Field group: Added new 'status' setting to enable/disable
* Field group: Added new 'description' setting shown to developers when viewing the field group list
* Field group: Moved 'Show field keys' Screen Option within existing 'Show on Screen' checkboxes
* Tab field: Fixed missing min-height to left aligned tab wrapper
* Relationship field: Added timeout to reduce AJAX requests whilst typing in search
* Flexible Content field: Fixed minor JS bug where removing a layout would not update the order numbers
* Core: Fixed bug validating uppercase file extensions
* Core: Renamed menu items
* Core: Replace sprite icons with font
* Core: Added new setting 'export_textdomain' to add __() to generated export code
* Core: Fixed conflict with Post Type Order plugin causing issues when querying posts
* Core: Fixed conflict with WPML causing issues when querying posts
* Core: Added compatibility for WP 4.3
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè

= 5.2.8 =
* Image field: Added selection restrictions in media popup (width, height, size, type)
* File field: Same as above
* Gallery field: Same as above
* Tab field: Added new 'endpoint' setting - allows multiple tab groups
* Tab field: Improved CSS/JS to allow individual tab groups to use different alignments (left/top)
* Repeater field: Added logic to delete nested sub field values (grand children)
* Options page: Added new 'autoload' setting
* Core: Added new filter 'acf/prepare_field'
* Core: Added upload validation logic to ignore filetype case sensitivity
* Core: Fixed upload issue when filesize restriction contained a decimal place
* Core: Improved validation/save JS compatibility with 3rd party plugins
* Core: Updated Select2 library to v3.5.2
* Core: Fixed bug hiding Select2 choices when multiple found with the same label
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè & Francesco Mazzola
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Updating Finnish translation - thanks to Sauli Rajala

= 5.2.7 =
* Taxonomy field: Split setting 'load_save_terms' into 'load_terms' and 'save_terms'
* Select field: Fixed bug causing values containing ',' to fail
* Checkbox field: Fixed bug causing values containing ',' to fail
* Checkbox field: Added new 'toggle all' setting
* User field: Added new filters 'acf/fields/user/result' and 'acf/fields/user/search_columns'
* Gallery field: Added logic to increase sidebar width when space is available
* Options page: Added new 'post_id' setting to customise where values are loaded and saved
* API: Improved `get_field()` to better handle no value
* API: Optimised asset loading when using the `acf_form()` function
* API: Added new function `delete_sub_field()`
* Core: Added new `acf/init` action when ACF has loaded all functionality
* Core: Added compatibility with Select2 language translations
* Core: Changed compatibility filter default to false
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Thomas Meyer
* Language: Updated French Translation - thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet
* Language: Updated Persian translation - thanks to Kamel

= 5.2.6 =
* Core: Improved validation logic to display HTML5 validation messages
* Core: Improved conditional logic performance for large field groups
* Core: Removed updates menu item when not activated as a plugin (included within theme)
* Core: Fixed various JS performance issues
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Core: Added compatibility for saving widget in 'accessibility mode'
* Language: Added Finnish translation - thanks to Sauli Rajala

= 5.2.5 =
* Core: Fixed JS error preventing changes to large field groups
* Language: Added Romanian translation - thanks to Eduard Ungureanu

= 5.2.4 =
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed bug where new editor is not focused when adding media
* Core: Added new 'uploader' setting to `acf_form()` options for basic upload inputs
* Core: Fixed Multisite loop when WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin is active
* Core: Improved CSS when editing taxonomy terms and users
* Core: Fixed validation bugs when clicking save or preview 
* Core: Added compatibility with WPML translations when field group is not set as a translatable post type
* Core: Many minor fixes and improvements

= 5.2.3 =
* Taxonomy field: Added button and popup to create new terms
* Taxonomy field: Added new 'Create Terms' setting to prevent popup
* Core: Added network database upgrade admin page and functionality
* Core: Increased required WP version from 3.5 to 3.6
* Core: Fixed Select2 dependancy conflict with WooCommerce
* Core: Fixed WPML bug where field group translation information is lost
* Core: Fixed conditional logic bug where showing a parent field would override sub field conditional logic
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Persian translation - thanks to Kamel

= 5.2.2 =
* Image field: Fixed UI bug when image has been removed via media library
* Relationship field: Added new minimum selection setting
* Select field: Fixed bug when searching for a numeric value
* Tab field: Fixed conditional logic bug
* Field group: Added compatibility for custom status in 'Post Status' location rule
* Core: Added new `show_updates` setting to prevent plugin updates
* Core: Added compatibility for 3rd party update management websites
* Core: Added spinner when saving taxonomy term, user and front end form
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Slovak translation - thanks to Ján Fajčák
= 5.2.1 =
* Core: Fixed bug where 'Taxonomy' field group location rule would change to 'Post Taxonomy'
* Core: Fixed bug where field group postboxes would disappear from post edit screen
* Core: Fixed bug where 'Uploaded to post' setting would not work on front end image/file/gallery fields
* Core: Fixed bug where multiple conditional logic tabs would not display correctly
* Language: Updated Japanese translation - thanks to Shogo Kato

= 5.2.0 =
* Taxonomy field: Fixed bug where term relationships were not saved when using the `update_field()` function
* Taxonomy field: Added compatibility for upcoming 'term splitting' in WP 4.2
* Image field: Fixed bug causing 'Uploaded to post' setting to not filter the medial library
* Gallery field: Added 'attachment_fields_to_save' filter for 3rd party custom field support
* Field group: Added new location rule 'Current User'
* Field group: Renamed location rule 'Logged in User Type' to 'Current User Role'
* Field group: Removed location group 'Basic' and moved location rule 'Post Type' into group 'Posts'
* Core: Fixed bug where postbox would disappear after save
* Core: Fixes bug where sub fields are duplicated during sync
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
* Language: Updated Dutch translation - thanks to Patrick Heiloo

= =
* Language: Fixed corrupt language files

= 5.1.9 =
* Image field: Added new settings to restrict uploads (width, height, size, type)
* File field: Same as above
* Gallery field: Same as above
* Message field: Added new `esc_html` setting to show HTML as plain text
* Core: Fixed customizer issues when editing widgets
* Core: Added new filter to validate upload -
* Core: Added file types (new field setting) to media popup select filter
* Core: Added an edit field group link to metabox titles
* Core: Added new `capability` setting for use in admin pages / CPT
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translation - thanks to augustoms
* Language: Updated Hebrew translation - thanks to Ahrale
* Language: Updated Swedish translation - thanks to Fredrik Andersson
* Language: Updated Russian translation - thanks to Alexey Samoylov
* Language: Updated Ukrainian translation - thanks to Jurko Chervony

= 5.1.8 =
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed bug causing formatting issue when drag/drop
* Tab field: Fixed UI glitch where left aligned tabs would get cut off in small field group
* Message field: Added missing wrapper settings
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Swedish translation - thanks to Andy Toniyevych

= =
* Core: Fixed JS error on data input screens
* Core: Fixed incorrect return_url when using `acf_form()`

= 5.1.7 =
* Tab field: Added new placement setting for top aligned / left aligned
* Image field: Fixed selection bug when attachment popup also contains an image field
* File field: Fixed selection bug when attachment popup also contains a file field
* WYSIWYG field: Prevented full-height feature until WP provide compatibility for multiple editors 
* Core: Fixed many field bugs in WP media grid popup
* Core: Added new friendly field wrap classes: acf-field-{$type} acf-field-{$key}
* Core: JS speed improvements due to new field wrap classes
* Core: Added new filter for removing compatibility
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Thomas Meyer

= 5.1.6 =
* Gallery field: More UI improvements including titles for non image attachments
* Image field: Added more data to returned attachment including filename, icon, author and type
* File field: Same as above
* Gallery field: Same as above
* Google Maps field: Fixed JS error when google object exists without maps API
* Select field: Fixed bug where a single numeric value would not save as a default_value
* Checkbox field: Same as above
* Radio field: Same as above
* API: Added $format parameter to the functions the_row() and get_row()
* Core: Fixed bug when adding 'post_parent' value to post_object/relationship query args
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Core: More RTL CSS improvements
* Language: Updated Hebrew translation - thanks to Lavi Perchik
* Language: Updated Persian translation - thanks to Kamel

= 5.1.5 =
* Taxonomy field: Fixed bug where values would not appear selected
* Core: Added new JSON synchronisation functionality
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements

= 5.1.4 =
* Taxonomy field: Major improvement to save/load setting allowing for different values on multiple sub fields
* Google Map field: Fixed render glitch on sub fields when shown by a tab field
* Code: Fixed bug where Select2 would continuously load when no results found
* Core: Fixed bug where translated field groups were lost during DB migration to v5
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements

= 5.1.3 =
* Repeater field: Added new 'block' layout style
* Flexible Content field: Added new 'block' layout style
* Core: Added new field setting 'wrapper' including width, class and id
* Core: Minor JS speed improvement for sub field conditional logic
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Updated Dutch translation - thanks to Patrick Heiloo

= 5.1.2 =
* API: Fixed various bugs with the have_rows() function

= 5.1.1 =
* Image field: Added basic file uploader for non logged in users
* File field: Added basic file uploader for non logged in users
* API: Added $format_value parameter to the functions get_sub_field, the_sub_field and get_sub_field_object
* API: Added $load_value parameter to the function get_sub_field_object
* API: Added logic in have_rows function to allow for either field name or key
* Core: Reverted acf_save_post function back to an action with priority of 10.
* Core: Fixed compatibility bug with Shopp plugin
* Field group: Fixed bug where sub fields were deleted when moving a repeater field to another group

= 5.1.0 =
* Google Map field: Fixed JS bug causing navigation prompt to incorrectly appear
* Image field: Added width & height data next to preview_size settings
* Image field: Added width & height data next to preview_size settings
* Options page: Fixed bug where validation error would prevent submit button from working
* Core: Fixed bug where previewing a post would fail on every odd attempt
* Core: Fixed bug with persistent cache when editing field groups
* Core: Added support for widget JS functionality in the customizer
* Core: Changed stripslashes setting to false to allow values with back slashes
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements

= 5.0.9 =
* Options page: Added compatibility for different language values
* Image field: Fixed bug preventing image selection
* Select field: Fixed bug where orphaned value could not be removed
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed bug causing issues with DFW fullscreen
* Core: Added window scroll to validation message when not in view
* Core: Improved JS performance when working with large scale repeater fields
* Core: Fixed incompatibility with post type switcher plugin
* Core: Minor fixes and improvements
* Language: Added Turkish translation - thanks to Ramazan POLAT
* Language: Updated Persian translation - thanks to Kamel Kimiaei

= 5.0.8 =
* Checkbox field: Fixed PHP error when editing field default value
* Image field: Added logic to update thumbnail after image has been edited
* Gallery field: Added logic to update thumbnail after image has been edited
* Core: Added compatibility for WP4 media grid
* Core: Fixed Select2 bug where results could not be selected
* Core: Fixed conditional logic bug showing empty cells in the repeater field
* Core: Fixed bug where tabify would show blank field groups
* Core: Minor bug fixes and improvements
* Language: Added Slovakian translation - thanks to

= 5.0.7 =
* Core: Fixed navigation prompt when saving a field group
* Checkbox field: Fixed issue with multiple default values (requires save)
* Tab field: Fixed missing active tabs on page load

= 5.0.6 =
* Relationship field: Fixed bug preventing values from being removed
* Taxonomy field: Fixed various JS bugs
* Core: Added logic to reset inputs after adding a new taxonomy term
* Core: Added prompt when navigating away from changed data
* Core: Fixed minor validation bug when tab is hidden by conditional logic
* Core: Fixed error when showing revision of sub field data
* Core: Minor bug fixes and improvements

= 5.0.5 =
* Url field: Added new URL field type with basic 'http' validation
* WYSIWYG field: Added new setting for customizing tabs (Visual / Text)
* Relationship field: Added scrolling pagination to choices
* Post object field: Added scrolling pagination to choices
* Page link field: Added scrolling pagination to choices
* Radio field: Fixed bug causing default value to be lost when added as sub field
* Core: Minor JS improvements
* Core: Added logic to detect if field groups are translatable (WPML setting) before modifying json path
* Language: Updated French translation - thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet

= 5.0.4 =
* WYSIWYG field: Major improvement adding visual and text tabs
* Image field: Fixed uploadedTo bug on non post edit page
* Tab field: Fixed various JS bugs
* Options page: Fixed bug causing field groups with position setting of 'High' to not appear
* Options page: Added functionality to toggle and save state of postbox
* Core: Fixed nested bug in get_sub_field_object()
* Language: Updated Brazil translation - thanks to André Felipe

= 5.0.3 =
* Gallery field: Added new edit button within sidebar to launch edit/crop popup
* Gallery field: Changed placement of remove button when sidebar is open
* Gallery field: Added functionality to resize height
* Options page: Fixed default value not working
* Core: Fixed local json issues with WPML
* Core: Allowed local fields and groups to use custom keys (non 'field_')
* Core: Minor bug fixes
* Language: Updated French translation - thanks to Maxime Bernard-Jacquet

= 5.0.2 =
* Field group: Fixed bug deleteing fields after they are moved to another group
* Field group: Fixed PHP error preventing redirect after group is duplicated
* Field group: Fixed blank conditional logic UI
* Field group: Fixed taxonomy term location rule not saving
* Image field: Added functionality to edit/crop image within popup
* File field: Added functionality to edit/crop image within popup
* Core: Added toggle checkbox to export field group list
* Core: Fixed logic to include minified scripts and styles

= 5.0.1 =
* Gallery field: Added auto save when change is detected
* Gallery field: Added logic to better render grid with non cropped image sizes
* Gallery field: Fixed JS error causing attachment data to not save
* Post object field: Fixed empty value being returned for deleted posts
* Taxonomy field: Fixed PHP error in checkbox mode when value is empty
* User field: Fixed PHP error preventing choices from being loaded
* Taxonomy field: Fixed null value returned on front end
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug preventing layouts without sub fields from loading correctly
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug preventing layout reorder from saving
* Relationship field: Fixed result elements setting compatibility with ACF4
* Field group: Added logic to remember "Show Field Keys" screen option
* Core: Updated Select2 to v3.5.0
* Core: Added logic to allow values to save on an empty post (no title, content, excerpt)
* Core: Minor bug fixes
* Language: Updated German translation - Thanks to Thomas Meyer
* Language: Updated Hungarian translation - Thanks to Tihanyi Balázs

= 5.0.0 =
* Overhaul of HTML & CSS
* Migrated field & sub field settings (not values) to post objects instead of postmeta
* Added Select2 JS for AJAX and search functionality on select lists
* Added AJAX search functionality for Post Object, taxonomy, user and select fields
* Added JSON read/write functionality to automatically save field groups to files (saves DB query time)
* Added JSON import/export functionality to replace old XML style
* Aded grouped conditional logic rules
* New location rules allow field groups on comments
* New location rules allow field groups on user (including registration and bbPress)
* New location rules allow field groups on widgets
* New API folder contains a library of functions to use in plugins and themes
* New oembed field for easy iframe embeds
* New Gallery field design
* New field group options for `Label placement` and `Instruction placement` allow for an all new look!
* New PHP + AJAX validation replaces old JS style
* New Relationship field setting for 'Filters' (Search, Post Type, Taxonomy)
* New field group functionality allows you to move a field between groups
* New field group functionality allows you to drag a field between parents (repeater)
* New Add-ons page uses an external JSON file to read in data (easy to add 3rd party fields)
* Huge improvements to core functionality resulting in faster load times!
* New archives group in page_link field selection
* New functions for options page allow creation of both parent and child menu pages
* Date picker field: Removed save_format setting. Values now save as Y:m:d h:i:s
* Date picker field: Added return_format setting
* Textarea field: Added new_lines setting
* Gallery field: Added min and max selection settings
* Select field: Added Stylised UI setting
* Select field: Added Lazy Load AJAX setting

= 4.3.4 =
* Post Object field: Fixed get_pages bug cuasing 'pages' to not appear
* Page Link field: Fixed get_pages bug cuasing 'pages' to not appear
* Tab field: Fixed JS bug causing multiple tab groups on page to render incorrectly
* Language: Updated Russian translation - Thanks to Alex Torscho

= 4.3.3 =
* Core: Updated styling to suit WP 3.8
* Core: Added new logic to set 'autoload' to 'off' on all values saved to the wp_options table to help improve load speed
* API: Added new logic to the $post_id parameter to accept an object of type post, user or taxonomy term
* Tab field: Added compatibility with taxonomy term and user edit screens (table layout)
* Tab field: Fixed JS bug causing incorrect tab to show when validation fails
* Text field: Fixed bug causing append setting of '+50' to appear as '50'

= 4.3.2 =
* Color Picker field: Fixed JS bug preventing wpColorPicker from updating value correctly
* Google Map field: Added new setting for initial zoom level
* Relationship field: minor update to fix compatibility issue with Polylang plugin
* Relationship field: Fixed bug causing filters / actions using $field['name'] to not fire correctly
* API: Fixed bug with have_rows/has_sub_field function where looping through multiple posts each containing nested repeater fields would result in an endless loop
* Export: Fixed bug causing exported XML fields to become corrupt due to line breaks
* Core: Fixed bug where duplicating a field would cause conditional logic to appear blank
* Core: Added Conditional Logic support to hide entire column of a repeater field where max_row is 1.
* Core: Added new field group 'hide on screen' option for 'permalink' which hides the permalink URL and buttons below the post title

= 4.3.1 =
* API: Fixed bug with has_sub_field and have_rows functions causing complicated nested loops to produce incorrect results
* API: Fixed bug with get_fields function preventing values to be returned from options page and taxonomy terms
* Core: Fixed bug causing some SQL LIKE statements to not work correctly on windows servers
* Core: Removed __() wrappers from PHP export, as these did not work as expected
* Core: Fixed bug with get_pages() causing sort order issue in child page location rule
* Core: Added specific position to ACF menu item to reduce conflicts with 3rd party plugins
* JS: Fixed bug where conditional logic rules did not save when added using a '+' button above the last rule
* Radio field: Fixed bug where 'other' would be selected when no value exists
* WYSIWYG field: Added support for users with disabled visual editor setting
* JS: Improved validation for fields that are hidden by a tab
* Google maps field: Add refresh action when hidden / shown by a tab

= 4.3.0 =
* Core: get_field can now be used within the functions.php file
* Core: Added new Google maps field
* Core: Added conditional logic support for sub fields - will also require an update to the repeater / flexible content field add-on to work
* Core: Added required validation support for sub fields - will also require an update to the repeater / flexible content field add-on to work
* API: Added new function have_rows()
* API: Added new function the_row()
* API: Fixed front end form upload issues when editing a user -
* API: Fixed front end form bug where the wrong post_id is being passed to JS -
* Export: wrapped title and instructions in __() function -
* Core: Filter out ACF fields from the native custom field dropdown - -
* Revisions: Improved save functionality to detect post change when custom fields are edited -
* Core: Add field group title for user edit screen -
* Field group: Add 'toggle all' option to hide from screen -
* Taxonomy field: Add new filter for wp_list_categories args -
* Taxonomy field: Fixed JS bug causing attachment field groups to disappear due to incorrect AJAX location data -
* WYSIWYG field: Fixed JS bug where formatting is removed when drag/drop its repeater row
* Tab field: Corrected minor JS bugs with conditional logic -
* Relationship field: Values now save correctly as an array of strings (for LIKE querying)
* Post object field: Values now save correctly as an array of strings (for LIKE querying)
* Image field: Added mime_type data to returned value
* Field field: Added mime_type data to returned value
* Core: Lots of minor improvements

= 4.2.2 =
* Field group: Added 'High (after title)' position for a metabox -
* Relationship field: Fixed bug with 'exclude_from_search' post types
* Image / File field: Improved edit popup efficiency and fixed bug when 'upload' is last active mode -
* JS: Added un compressed input.js file
* JS: Fixed but with options page / taxonomy field -
* Language: Updated Persian Translation - thanks to Ghaem Omidi

= 4.2.1 =
* Taxonomy field: Fixed issue causing selected terms to appear as numbers -
* Revisions: Fixed WP 3.6 revisions -
* Relationship Field: Add new option for return_format
* Location Rule - Add new rule for post status -
* Location Rule: Add 'super admin' to users rule - thanks to Ryan Nielson -
* Core: Fixed pre_save_post $post_id issue -
* Core: Fix minor CSS but in media modal -
* File field: Fix minor 'strict standards' warning -
* Image field: Fix minor CSS issue -

= 4.2.0 =
* IMPORTANT: ACF now requires a minimum WordPress version of 3.5.0
* Full integration between attachments and custom fields!
* Text field: Added new options for prepend, append, placeholder and character limit
* Textarea field: Added new options for prepend, append, placeholder and character limit
* Number field: Added new options for prepend, append and placeholder
* Email field: Added new options for prepend, append and placeholder
* Password field: Added new options for prepend, append and placeholder
* Image field: fixed safari bug causing all images to appear small
* Core: Improved save_lock functionality to prevent inifinite loops when creating a post on the fly
* Core: Major JS improvements including .live changed to .on
* Compatibility: Fixed WYSIWYG JS bug with Visual Composer plugin
* Language: Added Persian Translation - thanks to Ghaem Omidi
* Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Thomas Meyer
* Language: Added Swedish translation - thanks to Mikael Jorhult

= =
* Select field: Revert choices logic -
* CSS: Revert metabox CSS -
* Core: Fixed save_post conflict with Shopp plugin -

= 4.1.8 =
* Core: Fix issue with cache $found variable preventing values from being loaded
* Select field: Improve choices textarea detection -
* Language: Added Swedish translation -
* Language: Updated Russian translation -

= 4.1.7 =
* Language: Added Russian translation - Thanks to Alex Torscho
* Core: Improved the save_post function to compare post_id and only run once.
* Core: Improved cache handling
* Number field: Fixed step size decimal bug
* Radio button field: Add option for 'other' and to also update field choices
* Image / File field: Updated JS to add multiple items to the correct sub field -
* JS: Remove redundant return ajax value -
* Add-ons page: fix JS issue -
* Options Page: Fixed issue with load_value preventing the options page using default values -
* AJAX: Fix chrome bug - untick category -
* JS: Fixed multiple Internet Explorer issues

= 4.1.6 =
* General: Improved load_value function to better handle false and default values
* Number field: Added new options for min, max and step -
* Radio field: Improved logic for selecting the value. Now works with 0, false, null and any other 'empty' value -
* Date picker field: Fixed PHP error -
* Language: Added Portuguese translation -
* Taxonomy: Updated JS to clear image / file and checkbox elements when a new category is added via AJAX -
* Validation: Added logic to allow a field to bypass validation if it is part of a tab group which is hidden via conditional logic
* API: Improved the acf_form function to better handle form attributes

= =
* Image field: Fixed JS error causing uploader to not work correctly
* File field: Fixed JS error causing uploader to not work correctly
* Gallery field: Fixed JS error causing uploader to not work correctly
* General: Fixed JS error causing field groups to not appear when dynamically loaded

= 4.1.5 =
* WYSIWYG Field: Fixed WYSIWYG the_content / shortcode issues -
* Image field: Added option for library restriction -
* File field: Added option for library restriction
* File field: Field UI refresh
* Checkbox field: Added horizontal option -
* Image field: fixed UI bug when image is deleted in file system -
* Validation: Added support for email field -
* Validation: Added support for taxonomy field -
* Language: Added Chinese Translation -
* General: Added changelog message to update plugin screen
* General: Lots of minor improvements

= 4.1.4 =
* [Fixed] Page Link: Fixed errors produced by recent changes to post object field -

= 4.1.3 =
* [Fixed] Relationship field: Fix global $post conflict issues -

= 4.1.2 =
* [Added] Post Object field: Add filter to customize choices -
* [Fixed] Relationship field: Fix error when used as grand child -
* [Added] User field: Add sanitisation into update_value function to allow for array / object with ID attribute
* [Added] Relationship field: Add sanitisation into update_value function to allow for array of post object to be saved
* [Added] Post Object field: Add sanitisation into update_value function to allow for a post object or an array of post objects to be saved
* [Added] Image field: Add sanitisation into update_value function to allow for a post object or an image array to be saved
* [Added] File field: Add sanitisation into update_value function to allow for a post object or an file array to be saved
* [Fixed] Revisions: Fix PHP warning if array value exists as custom field -
* [Updated] Translation: Update French Translation -
* [Fixed] General: Minor PHP errors fixed

= 4.1.1 =
* [Fixed] Relationship field: Fix bug causing sub field to not load $field object / use elements option correctly
* [Updated] Update German translations

= 4.1.0 =
* [Added] Field group: location rules can now be grouped into AND / OR statements
* [Added] Relationship field: Add option for filters (search / post_type)
* [Added] Relationship field: Add option for elements (featured image / title / post_type)
* [Added] Relationship field: Add post_id and field parameters to both ajax filter functions
* [Added] Date Picker field: Add options for first_day
* [Added] Date Picker field: Add text strings for translation
* [Added] Select field: Add support for multiple default values
* [Added] Checkbox field: Add support for multiple default values -
* [Updated] Minor JS + CSS improvements
* [Added] Added free Add-ons to the admin page
* [Fixed] Fixed minor bugs

= 4.0.3 =
* [Fixed] Fix bug when appending taxonomy terms -
* [Fixed] Fix embed shortcode for WYSIWYG field -
* [Fixed] Fix issues with loading numbers -
* [Fixed] Fix bug with user field and format_value_for_api -
* [Fixed] Fix capitalization issue on field name -
* [Fixed] Fix tabs not hiding from conditional logic -
* [Updated] Update dir / path to allow for SSL -
* [Updated] Updated relationship JS -

= 4.0.2 =
* [Added] Add auto video filter to WYSIWYG value -
* [Fixed] Fix Repeater + WYSIWYG loosing p tags on drag/drop -
* [Fixed] Fix upgrade message appearing in iframe
* [Fixed] Fix value sanitation -
* [Added] Add JS field name validation -
* [Fixed] Fix error when duplicating field group in WPML -
* [Fixed] Fix pares_type issue. Maybe remove it? -

= 4.0.1 =
* [Improved] Improving welcome message with download instructions
* [Fixed] Text / Fix JS issue where metaboxes are not hiding -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix lite mode issue causing category / user fields not to show
* [Fixed] Sanitize field names -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix conditional logic not working for mutli-select -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix field group duplication in WooCommerce category w SEO plugin -

= 4.0.0 =
* [IMPORTANT] This update contains major changes to premium and custom field type Add-ons. Please read the [Migrating from v3 to v4 guide](
* [Optimized] Optimize performance by removing heavy class structure and implementing light weight hooks & filters!
* [Changed] Remove all Add-on code from the core plugin and separate into individual plugins with self hosted updates
* [Added] Add field 'Taxonomy'
* [Added] Add field 'User'
* [Added] Add field 'Email'
* [Added] Add field 'Password'
* [Added] Add field group title validation
* [Fixed] Fix issue where get_field_object returns the wrong field when using WPML
* [Fixed] Fix duplicate functionality - 
* [Added] Add conditional statements to tab field -
* [Fixed] Fix issue with Preview / Draft where preview would not save custom field data -
* [Added] Add function get_field_groups()
* [Added] Add function delete_field() -
* [Added] Add get_sub_field_object function -
* [Added] Add 'Top Level' option to page type location rule
* [Fixed] Fix taxonomy location rule -
* [Fixed] Fix tab field with conditional logic -
* [Fixed] Revert back to original field_key idea. attractive field key's cause too many issues with import / export
* [Added] Add message field -
* [Removed] Removed the_content filter from WYSIWYG field

= =
* [Fixed] Fix PHP error in text / textarea fields

= 3.5.8 =
* [Fixed] Fix bug preventing fields to load on user / taxonomy front end form -
* [Added] Added 'acf/fields/wysiwyg/toolbars' filter to customize WYSIWYG toolbars -
* [Fixed] Fix acf_load_filters as they are not working! -
* [Added] Clean up wp_options after term delete -
* [Fixed] Fix location rule - category / taxonomy on new post -
* [Added] Added 'acf/create_field' action for third party usage - docs to come soon
* [Added] Add support for new media uploader in WP 3.5!
* [Fixed] Fix conditional logic error -
* [Fixed] Fix Uploader not working on taxonomy edit screens -
* [Added] Add data cleanup after removing a repeater / flexible content row - 

= =
* [Fixed] Fix fields not showing on attachment edit page in WP 3.5 -
* [Fixed] Fix sub repeater css bug -
* [Fixed] Fix issue where acf_form includes scripts twice -
* [Fixed] Fix location rule bug with new shopp product -
* [Fixed] Fix location rule bug with taxonomy / post_taxonomy -

= =
* [Fixed] Fix issues with location rules wrongly matching

= 3.5.7 =
* [Fixed] Fix sub field default value -
* [Added] Add filters for custom location rules -
* [Fixed] Fix XML import to create unique field ID's -
* [Fixed] Fix conditional logic with validation -
* [Fixed] Fix repeater + relationship bug -

= =
* [Fixed] Fix bug with 3.5.6 not showing front end form

= =
* [Fixed] Fix WYSIWYG webkit browser issues.

= =
* [Fixed] Fix bug causing field groups to not display on the options page.

= 3.5.6 =
* [Fixed] Fix content editor double in webkit browser -
* [Fixed] Fix bug with post format location rule not working -
* [Fixed] Fix conditional logic with tabs -
* [Fixed] Fix missing icons for conditional logic / menu in older WP
* [Added] Add PHP fix for new lines in field key -

= 3.5.5 =
* [Added] Add new Tab field
* [Fixed] Improve WYSIWYG code for better compatibility
* [Fixed] Fix PHP / AJAX error during database update for older versions
* [Fixed] WYSIWYG insert attachment focus bug -
* [Fixed] Fix JS coma issues for IE -
* [Added] Add no cache to relationship field results -
* [Added] Add retina support
* [Fixed] Fix WYSIWYG validation for preview post -
* [Fixed] Fix undefined index error in field's conditional logic -
* [Updated] Update post types in field options -
* [Added] Add filters to relationship field results
* [Added] Add file name bellow title in popup for selecting a file

= =
* [Fixed] Fix bug preventing options pages from appearing in the field group's location rules

= 3.5.4 =
* [Added] Add new filter for ACF settings -
* [Updated] Updated field keys to look nicer. eg field_12
* [Added] Update admin_head to use hooks / enque all scripts / styles
* [Added] Add duplicate function for flexible content layouts
* [Fixed] Fix $post_id bug -
* [Fixed] Fix WYSIWYG JS issue -
* [Fixed] Fix Gallery PHP error -
* [Added] Add compatibility for Shopp categories -
* [Fixed] Fix "Parent Page" location rule -
* [Fixed] Fix options page backwards compatibility -
* [Fixed] Fix update_field for content -
* [Added] Add new filter for acf_defaults! -
* [Fixed] Fix gallery detail update after edit -
* [Fixed] Fix front end uploading issue -

= =
* Minor bug fixes for 3.5.3

= 3.5.3 =
* [Updated] Update / overhaul flexible content field UI
* [Added] Add Show / Hide for flexible content layouts
* [Added] Add column width for flexible content -
* [Added] Add instructions for flexible content sub fields
* [Added] Add new parameter to get_field to allow for no formatting -
* [Fixed] Fix compatibility issue with post type switcher plugin -
* [Added] Add new location rules for "Front Page" "Post Page" -
* [Fixed] Fix flexible content + repeater row limit bug -
* [Added] Add filter "acf_load_value" for values -
* [Fixed] Fix choices backslash issue -
* [Updated] acf_options_page_title now overrides the menu and title. If your field groups are not showing after update, please re-save them to update the location rules.
* [Updated] Update location rules to show all post types in page / page_parent / post
* [Added] Change all "pre_save_field" functions to "acf_save_field" hooks
* [Improved] Improve general CSS / JS

= 3.5.2 =
* Security update

= 3.5.1 =
* [Added] Add Conditional logic for fields (toggle fields are select, checkbox, radio and true / false)
* [Added] More hooks + filters - acf_options_page_title, acf_load_field, acf_update_value -
* [Removed] Remove public param from post types list -
* [Added] Add field group headings into the acf_form function
* [Updated] Update button design to match WP 3.5
* [Fixed] Test / Fix XML export issue -
* [Added] Add more options to the "hide on screen" -
* [Added] Add compatibility for Tabify plugin -
* [Added] Add compatibility for Duplicate Post plugin
* [Added] Add new params to acf_form function -
* [Updated] Increase date picker range to 100
* [Fixed] WYSIWYG looses formatting when its row gets reordered (in a repeater / flexible content field)
* [Fixed] Fix has_sub_field break issue -
* [Fixed] Fix Textarea / Text encoding bugs -
* [Added] Add publish status for field groups -
* [Updated] General tidy up & improvement of HTML / CSS / Javascript

= 3.5.0 =
* [Fixed] Fix missing title of PHP registered field groups on the media edit page
* [Added] Add revision support
* [Added] Allow save draft to bypass validation
* [Updated] Update Czech translation
* [Fixed] Fix XML export issue with line break -
* [Fixed] Fix export to XML abspath issue -
* Update location rules for post_type - 
* Add "revisions" to list of hide-able options
* [Fixed] Fix bug with custom post_id param in acf_form -
* [Fixed] Fix bug in has_sub_field function where new values are not loaded for different posts if the field name is the same -
* [Updated] Allow get_field to use field_key or field_name
* [Fixed] Fix update_field bug with nested repeaters
* [Updated] Update German translation files - thanks to Martin Lettner

= 3.4.3 =
* [Fixed] Fix PHP registered field groups not showing via AJAX -
* [Added] Add new return value for file { file object
* [Fixed] Test / Fix save_post priority with WPML + events + shopp plugin
* [Fixed] Fix bug where field groups don't appear on shopp product edit screens
* [Fixed] Fix bug with image field { selecting multiple images puts first image into the .row-clone tr -

= 3.4.2 =
* [Fixed] Fix API functions for 'user_$ID' post ID parameter
* [Added] Color Picker Field: Default Value
* [Added] Add custom save action for all saves -
* [Updated] Update Dutch translations
* [Updated] Update get_field_object function to allow for field_key / field_name + option to load_value

= 3.4.1 =
* [Added] Save user fields into wp_usermeta
* [Added] Add compatibility with media tags plugin -
* [Added] Wysiwyg Field: Add Default value option
* [Added] Number Field: Add Default value option
* [Fixed] Validate relationship posts -
* [Added] Allow "options" as post_id for get_fields -
* [Added] Repeater Field: Add sub field width option
* [Added] Repeater Field: Add sub field description option
* [Updated] Repeater Field: Update UI design
* [Fixed] Fix missing ajax event on page parent -
* [Updated] Update french translation -

= 3.4.0 =
* [Fixed] Fix validation rules for multiple select -
* [Added] Add support for options page toggle open / close metabox
* [Fixed] Fix special characters in registered options page -
* [Updated] CSS tweak for relationship field -
* [Fixed] Fix datepicker blank option bug -
* [Added] Add new function get_field_object to API -
* [Fixed] Fix field groups not showing for Shopp add new product -
* [Fixed] Move outside of the doc.ready in input-ajax.js
* [Fixed] Fix IE7 JS bug -
* [Fixed] Fix relationship search - Only search title, not content
* [Updated] Update function update_field to use field_key or field_name
* [Added] Add field group screen option to show field keys (to use in save_field / update field)
* [Added] Add actions on all save events (action is called "acf_save_post", 1 param = $post_id)

= 3.3.9 =
* [Added] Add basic support for WPML - duplicate field groups, pages and posts for each language without corrupting ACF data!
* [Fixed] Fix date picker save null -
* [Fixed] Fix color picker save null -
* [Fixed] Fix image object null result -
* [Updated] Update Japanese translation -
* [Added] WYSIWYG field option - disable "the_content" filter to allow for compatibility issues with plugins / themes -

= 3.3.8 =
* [Added] Gallery field { auto add image on upload, new style to show already added images
* [Fixed] Fix saving value issue with WP e-commerce
* [Updated] Date picker field { new Display Format option (different from save format), UI overhaul
* [Added] Add new field - Number
* [Fixed] Test post object / select based fields for saving empty value -

= 3.3.7 =
* [Added] Add new return value for image { image object
* [Updated] Update Dutch translation (thanks to Derk Oosterveld -
* [Updated] Update UI Styles
* [Updated] Refresh settings page UI and fix exported PHP code indentation Styles
* [Fixed] Fix post object hierarchy display bug -
* [Fixed] Fix metabox position from high to core -
* [Fixed] Fix flexible content field save layout with no fields -
* [Fixed] Text / Fix field group limit -

= 3.3.6 =
* [Fixed] Fix IE regex issue (thanks to Ben Heller -
* [Added] Check for more translatable strings (thanks to Derk Oosterveld -
* [Fixed] Fix location rule post category bug
* [Updated] Added all post status to page / post location rules -
* [Updated] Updated the page link field to rely on the post_object field
* [Added] Add $post_id parameter to the [acf] shortcode

= 3.3.5 =
* [Fixed] Fix location rule bug for taxonomy.

= 3.3.4 = 
* [Added] Added new API function: has_sub_field - replacement for the_repeater_field and the_flexible_field. Allows for nested while loops! 
* [Improved] Improve save_post functions-
* [Fixed] Fix relationship AJAX abort for multiple fields -

= 3.3.3 =
* [Upgrade] Database Upgrade is required to modify the taxonomy filtering data for fields. This allows for performance boosts throughout ACF.
* [Improved] relationship field: Improve querying posts / results and use AJAX powered search to increase performance on large-scale websites
* [Improved] post object field: Improve querying posts / results

= 3.3.2 =
* [Fixed] Integrate with Shopp plugin

= 3.3.1 =
* [Fixed] Fix gallery sortable in repeater -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix two gallery fields -
* [Fixed] Fix tinymce undefined visual editor off -
* [Updated] Update Polish translation - Thanks to

= 3.3.0 =
* [Fixed] Gallery not returning correct order

= 3.2.9 =
* [Added] Add new Gallery Field
* [Fixed] Test / Fix update_field on repeater / flexible content
* [Fixed] Fix regex JS issue with adding nested repeaters
* [Added] Add new Czech translation - Thanks to Webees ( )

= 3.2.8 =
* [Added] Repeater - Add option for min rows + max rows -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix Chrome Double WYSIWYG. Again...
* [Added] Add "future" to post status options -
* [Added] Make image sizes strings "Pretty" for preview size options
* [Fixed] Test / Fix WYSIWYG insert image inside a repeater bug -

= 3.2.7 =
* [Fixed] Rename controller classes -
* [Added] Add edit button to image / file fields
* [Fixed] WYSIWYG toolbar buttons dissapearing in HTML tab mode

= 3.2.6 =
* [Fixed] Fix flexible content inside repeater add extra row jquery bug -
* [Added] Add suppress_filters to relationship field for WPML compatibility -
* [Added] Add new German translation -
* [Added] Add new Italian translation - Alessandro Mignogna (
* [Added] Add new Japanese translation -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix WYSIWYG removing p tags -
* [Added] edit basic toolbar buttons to match WP teeny mode - WYSIWYG
* [Fixed] Test front end form hiding -
* [Fixed] Test saving user custom fields -
* [Fixed] Fix options page translation bug -
* [Fixed] Pages rule not returning private pages -
* [Added] Add custom add_image_size() Image field preview sizes -

= 3.2.5 =
* [IMPORTANT] Change field group option "Show on page" to "Hide on Screen" to allow for future proof adding new elements to list. Previously exported and registered field groups via PHP will still work as expected! This change will prompt you for a database upgrade.
* [Added] Add in edit button to upload image / file thickbox
* [Improved] Changed loading default values. Now behaves as expected!
* [Fixed] Test / Fix full screen mode dissapearing from editor -
* [Fixed] get_field returning false for 0 -
* [Improved] Improve relationship sortable code with item param -
* [Fixed] IE category js bug -
* [Fixed] Flexible content field row css bug -
* [Fixed] Repeater row limit in flexible field bug -
* [Fixed] Fix update message - appears on first activation
* [Fixed] Fix options page sidebar drag area - no border needed
* [Fixed] Fix export options page activation -

= 3.2.4 =
* [Fixed] Remove translation from validation class -
* [Fixed] Test fix WYSIWYG insert media issues
* [Added] Add Excerpt to the field group "show on page" options

= 3.2.3 =
* [Fixed] Include Wysiwyg scripts / styles through the editor class
* [Fixed] Wysiwyg in repeater not working
* [Fixed] Remove Swedish translation until string / js bugs are fixed
* [Fixed] Checkbox  array value issue:
* [Added] Add inherit to relationship posts query -
* [Fixed] Relationship shows deleted posts -
* [Fixed] Wysiwyg editor not working on taxonomy edit page 

= 3.2.2 =
* [Fixed] Fix layout bug: Nested repeaters of different layouts
* [Fixed] Fix strip slashes bug
* [Fixed] Fix nested repeater bug -
* [Fixed] Test / Fix add multiple images to repeater

= 3.2.1 =
* Field groups can now be added to options page with layout "side"
* Fixed debug error when saving a taxonomy:
* Fixed unnecessary code: Remove Strip Slashes on save functions
* Added new add row buttons to the repeater field and upgraded the css / js
* Fixed debug error caused by the WYSIWYG field: wp_tiny_mce is deprecated since version 3.3! Use wp_editor() instead.
* Fixed duplicate field error where all sub fields became repeater fields.
* Add Swedish translation:
* CSS improvements
* Fixed IE9 Bug not returning an image preview on upload / select
* Fixed Multi export php syntax bug.

= 3.2.0 =
* Fixed Browser bug with Flexible Field: Add Row button works again
* Added Brazilian Translation. Thanks to Marcelo Paoli Graciano -
* Reverted input CSS to separate field label / instructions onto new lines.

= 3.1.9 =
* Updated Images / JS - Please hard refresh your browser to clear your cache
* Remove caching from acf_field_groups, replace with temp cache
* Add "Duplicate Field" on field group edit page
* Fix link to documentation on field group edit page
* add "update_value" to API
* Include new Polish translation
* Create a nicer style for flexible content
* Create a nicer style for repeater fields with row layout
* Create a nicer style for "no metabox" fields
* Add Spanish translation. Thanks to @hectorgarrofe
* Fix css for options page no metabox
* Added custom post_updated_messages
* Changed "Drag and drop to reorder" from an image to a string for translation

= 3.1.8 =
* Options page fields now save their data in the wp_options table. This will require a "Database Upgrade" when you update ACF. This upgrade will move your Options page data from the postmeta table to the options table.
* Added _e() and __() functions to more text throughout plugin
* Added new French translation. Thanks to Martin Vauchel @littlbr
* Fixed duplicate WYSIWYG in chrome bug
* New Location rules: add fields to a user / taxonomy / attachment
* Bug Fix: Color picker now shows color on page load. Thanks to Kev
* CSS tweaks File clearfix, new style for selects with optgroups
* Simplified get_value to return default value if value == ""
* API now allows for "option" and "options" for the $post_id value in API functions

= 3.1.7 =
* Bug fix: Image field returns correct url after selecting one or more images
* Translation: Added Polish translation. Thank you Bartosz Arendt - Digital Factory -
* Update : Added id attribute to all div.field (id="acf-$field_name")

= 3.1.6 =
* New style for buttons
* Bug Fix: Repeater maximum row setting was disabling the "add row" button 1 row early.
* Performance: Field options are now loaded in via ajax. This results in much less HTML on the edit field group page
* Performance: Field inputs are now loaded in via ajax. Again, less HTML on edit screens improves load times / memory usage
* Bug Fix: Field groups registered by code were not showing on ajax change (category / page type / page template / etc). To fix this, your field group needs a unique ID. When you export a field group, you will now be given a unique ID to fix this issue. Field groups without a fixed id will still show on page load.
* New Option: Repeater field can now have a custom button label
* New Option: Flexible content field can now have a custom button label
* Improvement: Updated the HTML / CSS for file fields with icon
* Bug Fix: Fixed multi upload / select image in repeater. 
* Performance: Added caching to the get_field function. Templates will now render quicker.
* Bug Fix: Fixed Post formats location rule - it now works.
* Nested repeaters are now possible!

= 3.1.5 =
* Improvement: Redesigned the experience for uploading and selecting images / files in fields and sub fields. Image / File fields within a repeater can now add multiple images / files

= 3.1.4 =
* New Feature: Front end form (Please read documentation on website for usage)
* Performance: compiled all field script / style into 1 .js file
* Bug Fix: Editor now remembers mode (Visual / HTML) without causing errors when loading in HTML mode
* Improvement: Added draft / private labels to post objects in relationship, post object and page link fields

= 3.1.3 =
* Bug Fix: Options page fields were rendered invisible in v3.1.2 (now fixed)
* Updated POT file with new texts

= 3.1.2 =
* New Feature: Required field validation. Note: Repeater / Flexible content fields can be required but their sub fields can not.
* Field update: Select field: API now returns false when "null" is selected
* Field update: Radio button: When editing a post / page, the radio button will select the first choice if there is no saved value for the field
* Bug fix: You can now use a repeater field inside a flexible field! Please note that the_repeater_field will not work as expected. Please use get_sub_field to get the sub repeater field, then use php to loop through it.

= 3.1.1 =
* New Feature: Added shortcode support. usage: [acf field="field_name"]
* Bug Fix: Fixed menu disappearing by changing the function "add_menu" to "add_utility_page"
* Visual: Changed post object / page link fields to display post type label instead of post type name for the select optgroup label. Thanks to kevwaddell for the code

= 3.1.0 =
* New Field: Flexible Content Field (license required)
* Bug Fix: ACF data now saves for draft posts (please do a hard refresh on an edit screen to remove cached js)
* Bug fix: Fixed multiple content editors
= 3.0.7 =
* Added export / register support via PHP
* Moved menu position under Settings
* Improve speed / php memory by introducing cached data
* Temp bug fix: sets content editor to "visual mode" to stop wysiwyg breaking
* Visual: Removed "Screen Options" tab from the admin acf edit page. Added filter to always show 99 acf's
* Minor JS improvements

= 3.0.6 =
* Bug Fix: Location meta box now shows all pages / posts
* Bug Fix: upgrade and settings url should now work / avoid conflicts with other plugins

= 3.0.5 =
* Support: use wp native functions to add all user roles to location metabox
* Update: gave acf a css update + new menu structure
* Bug fix: fixed a few issues with wysiwyg js/css in wp3.3
* Bug fix:  fixed page_name conflicting with normal pages / posts by adding a "acf_" to the page_name on save / update
* Performance: location metabox - limited taxonomies to hierarchial only. Posts and Pages have now been limited to 25

= 3.0.4 =
* Bug fix: WYSIWYG is now compatible with WP 3.3 (May have incidentally added support for gravity forms media button! But not 100% sure...)
* Fix : Taxonomy Location rule now only shows hierarchal taxonomies to improve speed and reduce php memory issues

= 3.0.3 =
* New translation: French (thanks to Netactions)
* Support: added support for new wp3.3 editor
* Bug fix: fixed WYSIWYG editor localised errors
* Bug fix: removed trailing commas for ie7

= 3.0.2 =
* New Feature: Added Export tab to export a WP native .xml file
* New Option: Relationship / Post type - filter by taxonomy
* New Option: default values for checkbox, select and radio
* New Function: register_options_page - add custom options pages (Requires the option page addon)
* Bug fix: WYSIWYG + repeater button issues
* Bug fix: general house keeping

= 3.0.1 =
* Bug Fix - repeater + wysiwyg delete / add duplicate id error
* Bug fix - repeater + file - add file not working
* Bug Fix - image / file no longer need the post type to support "editor"
* WYSIWYG - fixed broken upload images
* misc updates to accommodate the soon to be released "Flexible Field"

= 3.0.0 =
* ACF doesn't use any custom tables anymore! All data is saved as post_meta!
* Faster and more stable across different servers
* Drag-able / order-able metaboxes
* Fields extend from a parent object! Now you can create you own field types!
* New location rule: Taxonomy
* New function: register_field($class, $url);
* New Field: Color Picker
* New Option: Text + Textarea formatting
* New Option: WYSIWYG Show / Hide media buttons, Full / Basic Toolbar buttons (Great for a basic wysiwyg inside a repeater for your clients)
* Lots of bug fixes

= 2.1.4 =
* Fixed add image tinymce error for options Page WYSIWYG
* API: added new function: update_the_field($field_name, $value, $post_id)
* New field: Relationship field
* New Option for Relationship + Post Object: filter posts via meta_key and meta_value
* Added new option: Image preview size (thumb, medium, large, full)
* Fixed duplicate posts double value problem
* API update: get_field($repeater) will return an array of values in order, or false (like it used to!)
* Radio Button: added labels around values
* Post object + Page Link: select drop down is now hierarchal
* Input save errors fixed
* Add 'return_id' option to get_field / get_sub_field
* Many bug fixes

= 2.1.3 =
* Fixed API returning true for repeater fields with no data
* Added get_fields back into the api!
* Fixed field type select from showing multiple repeater activation messages 

= 2.1.2 =
* Fixed repeater sortable bug on options page
* Fixed wysiwyg image insert on options page
* Fixed checkbox value error
* Tidied up javascript + wysiwyg functions

= 2.1.1 =
* Fixed Javascript bugs on edit pages

= 2.1.0 =
* Integrate acf_values and wp_postmeta! Values are now saved as custom fields!
* Ajax load in fields + update fields when the page / post is modified
* API has been completely re written for better performance
* Default Value - text / textarea
* New upgrade database message / system
* Separate upgrade / activate scripts
* Select / page link / post object add Null option
* Integrate with Duplicate Posts plugin
* New location rule: post format
* Repeater field attach image to post
* Location: add children to drop down menu for page parent
* Update script replaces image urls with their id's
* All images / Files save as id's now, api formats the value back into a url
* Simple CSS + JS improvements
* New Field: Radio Buttons (please note Firefox has a current bug with jquery and radio buttons with the checked attribute)

= 2.0.5 =
* New Feature: Import / Export
* Bug Fixed: Wysiwyg javascript conflicts
* Bug Fixed: Wysiwyg popups conflicting with the date picker field
* New style for the date picker field

= 2.0.4 = 
* New Addon: Options Page (available on the plugins store: 
* API: all functions now accept 'options' as a second parameter to target the options page
* API: the_field() now implodes array's and returns as a string separated by comma's
* Fixed Bug: Image upload should now work on post types without editor
* Fixed Bug: Location rule now returns true if page_template is set to 'Default' and a new page is created
* General Housekeeping

= 2.0.3 =
* Added Option: Repeater Layout (Row / Table)
* Fixed bug: Now you can search for media in the image / file fields
* Added Option: Image field save format (image url / attachment id)
* Added Option: File field save format (file url / attachment id)
* Fixed bug: Location rules for post categories now work
* Added rule: Page parent
* Fixed bug: "what's new" button now shows the changelog
* included new css style to fit in with WordPress 3.2
* minor JS improvements

= 2.0.2 =
* Added new database table "acf_rules"
* Removed database table "ac_options"
* Updated location meta box to now allow for custom location queries
* Hid Activation Code from logged in users
* Fixed JS bugs with wp v3.2 beta 2
* Added new option "Field group layout" - you can now wrap your fields in a metabox!
* General housekeeping

= 2.0.1 =
* Added Field Option: Field Instructions
* Added Field Option: Is field searchable? (saves field value as a normal custom field so you can use the field against wp queries)
* Added Media Search / Pagination to Image / File thickbox
* Added Media Upload support to post types which do not have a Content Editor.
* Fixed "Select Image" / "Select File" text on thickbox buttons after upload
* Repeater field now returns null if no data was added

= 2.0.0 =
* Completely re-designed the ACF edit page
* Added repeater field (unlocked through external purchase)
* Fixed minor js bugs
* Fixed PHP error handling
* Fixed problem with update script not running
* General js + css improvements

= 1.1.4 =
* Fixed Image / File upload issues
* Location now supports category names
* Improved API - now it doesn't need any custom fields!
* Fixed table encoding issue
* Small CSS / Field changes to ACF edit screen

= 1.1.3 =
* Image Field now uses WP thickbox!
* File Field now uses WP thickbox!
* Page Link now supports multiple select
* All Text has been wrapped in the _e() / __() functions to support translations!
* Small bug fixes / housekeeping
* Added ACF_WP_Query API function

= 1.1.2 =
* Fixed WYSIWYG API format issue
* Fixed Page Link API format issue
* Select / Checkbox can now contain a url in the value or label
* Can now unselect all user types form field options
* Updated value save / read functions
* Lots of small bug fixes

= 1.1.1 =
* Fixed Slashes issue on edit screens for text based fields

= 1.1.0 =
* Lots of Field Type Bug Fixes
* Now uses custom database tables to save and store data!
* Lots of tidying up
* New help button for location meta box
* Added $post_id parameter to API functions (so you can get fields from any post / page)
* Added support for key and value for select and checkbox field types
* Re wrote most of the core files due to new database tables
* Update script should copy across your old data to the new data system
* Added True / False Field Type

= 1.0.5 =
* New Field Type: Post Object
* Added multiple select option to Select field type

= 1.0.4 =
* Updated the location options. New Override Option!
* Fixed un ticking post type problem
* Added JS alert if field has no type

= 1.0.3 =
* Heaps of js bug fixes
* API will now work with looped posts
* Date Picker returns the correct value
* Added Post type option to Page Link Field
* Fixed Image + File Uploads!
* Lots of tidying up!

= 1.0.2 =
* Bug Fix: Stopped Field Options from loosing data
* Bug Fix: API will now work with looped posts

= 1.0.1 =
* New Api Functions: get_fields(), get_field(), the_field()
* New Field Type: Date Picker
* New Field Type: File
* Bug Fixes
* You can now add multiple ACF's to an edit page
* Minor CSS + JS improvements

= 1.0.0 =
* Advanced Custom Fields.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 5.2.7 =
* Field class names have changed slightly in v5.2.7 from `field_type-{$type}` to `acf-field-{$type}`. This change was introduced to better optimise JS performance. The previous class names can be added back in with the following filter:

= 3.0.0 =
* Editor is broken in WordPress 3.3

= 2.1.4 =
* Adds post_id column back into acf_values


Advanced Custom Fields Pro, Git-ified. Synced manual! This repository is just a mirror of the Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues.






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  • PHP 58.7%
  • JavaScript 32.8%
  • CSS 8.5%