.. automodule:: pykeen.pipeline.api
Many of the previous examples ended with saving the results using the
:meth:`pykeen.pipeline.PipelineResult.save_to_directory`. One of the
artifacts written to the given directory is the trained_model.pkl
file. Because all PyKEEN models inherit from :class:`torch.nn.Module`,
we use the PyTorch mechanisms for saving and loading them. This means
that you can use :func:`torch.load` to load a model like:
import torch
my_pykeen_model = torch.load('trained_model.pkl')
More information on PyTorch's model persistence can be found at: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving_loading_models.html.
While PyKEEN internally maps entities and relations to contiguous identifiers, it's still useful to be able to interact with datasets, triples factories, and models using the labels of the entities and relations.
We can map a triples factory's entities to identifiers using :func:`TriplesFactory.entities_to_ids` like in the following example:
from pykeen.datasets import Nations
triples_factory = Nations().training
# Get tensor of entity identifiers
entity_ids = torch.as_tensor(triples_factory.entities_to_ids(["china", "egypt"]))
Similarly, we can map a triples factory's relations to identifiers using :data:`TriplesFactory.relations_to_ids` like in the following example:
relation_ids = torch.as_tensor(triples_factory.relations_to_ids(["independence", "embassy"]))
It's important to notice that we should use a triples factory with the same mapping that was used to train the model - otherwise we might end up with incorrect IDs.
The embeddings learned for entities and relations are not only useful for link prediction (see :ref:`making_predictions`), but also for other downstream machine learning tasks like clustering, regression, and classification.
Knowledge graph embedding models can potentially have multiple entity representations and
multiple relation representations, so they are respectively stored as sequences in the
and relation_representations
attributes of each model.
While the exact contents of these sequences are model-dependent, the first element of
each is usually the "primary" representation for either the entities or relations.
Typically, the values in these sequences are instances of the :class:`pykeen.nn.representation.Embedding`. This implements a similar, but more powerful, interface to the built-in :class:`torch.nn.Embedding` class. However, the values in these sequences can more generally be instances of any subclasses of :class:`pykeen.nn.representation.Representation`. This allows for more powerful encoders those in GNNs such as :class:`pykeen.models.RGCN` to be implemented and used.
The entity representations and relation representations can be accessed like this:
from typing import List
import pykeen.nn
from pykeen.pipeline import pipeline
result = pipeline(model='TransE', dataset='UMLS')
model = result.model
entity_representation_modules: List['pykeen.nn.Representation'] = model.entity_representations
relation_representation_modules: List['pykeen.nn.Representation'] = model.relation_representations
Most models, like :class:`pykeen.models.TransE`, only have one representation for entities and one
for relations. This means that the entity_representations
and relation_representations
lists both have a length of 1. All of the entity embeddings can be accessed like:
entity_embeddings: pykeen.nn.Embedding = entity_representation_modules[0]
relation_embeddings: pykeen.nn.Embedding = relation_representation_modules[0]
Since all representations are subclasses of :class:`torch.nn.Module`, you need to call them like functions to invoke the forward() and get the values.
entity_embedding_tensor: torch.FloatTensor = entity_embeddings()
relation_embedding_tensor: torch.FloatTensor = relation_embeddings()
The forward() function of all :class:`pykeen.nn.representation.Representation` takes an indices
By default, it is None
and returns all values. More explicitly, this looks like:
entity_embedding_tensor: torch.FloatTensor = entity_embeddings(indices=None)
relation_embedding_tensor: torch.FloatTensor = relation_embeddings(indices=None)
If you'd like to only look up certain embeddings, you can use the indices
and pass a :class:`torch.LongTensor` with their corresponding indices.
You might want to detach them from the GPU and convert to a :class:`numpy.ndarray` with
entity_embedding_tensor = model.entity_representations[0](indices=None).detach().numpy()
Some old-style models (e.g., ones inheriting from :class:`pykeen.models.EntityRelationEmbeddingModel`)
don't fully implement the entity_representations
and relation_representations
interface. This means
that they might have additional embeddings stored in attributes that aren't exposed through these sequences.
For example, :class:`pykeen.models.TransD` has a secondary entity embedding in
Eventually, all models will be upgraded to new-style models and this won't be a problem.
While the pipeline provides a high-level interface, each aspect of the training process is encapsulated in classes that can be more finely tuned or subclassed. Below is an example of code that might have been executed with one of the previous examples.
>>> # Get a training dataset
>>> from pykeen.datasets import Nations
>>> dataset = Nations()
>>> training_triples_factory = dataset.training
>>> # Pick a model
>>> from pykeen.models import TransE
>>> model = TransE(triples_factory=training_triples_factory)
>>> # Pick an optimizer from Torch
>>> from torch.optim import Adam
>>> optimizer = Adam(params=model.get_grad_params())
>>> # Pick a training approach (sLCWA or LCWA)
>>> from pykeen.training import SLCWATrainingLoop
>>> training_loop = SLCWATrainingLoop(
... model=model,
... triples_factory=training_triples_factory,
... optimizer=optimizer,
... )
>>> # Train like Cristiano Ronaldo
>>> _ = training_loop.train(
... triples_factory=training_triples_factory,
... num_epochs=5,
... batch_size=256,
... )
>>> # Pick an evaluator
>>> from pykeen.evaluation import RankBasedEvaluator
>>> evaluator = RankBasedEvaluator()
>>> # Get triples to test
>>> mapped_triples = dataset.testing.mapped_triples
>>> # Evaluate
>>> results = evaluator.evaluate(
... model=model,
... mapped_triples=mapped_triples,
... batch_size=1024,
... additional_filter_triples=[
... dataset.training.mapped_triples,
... dataset.validation.mapped_triples,
... ],
... )
>>> # print(results)
PyKEEN is currently in the transition to use torch's data-loaders for evaluation, too. While not being active for the high-level pipeline, you can already use it explicitly:
>>> # get a dataset
>>> from pykeen.datasets import Nations
>>> dataset = Nations()
>>> # Pick a model
>>> from pykeen.models import TransE
>>> model = TransE(triples_factory=dataset.training)
>>> # Pick a training approach (sLCWA or LCWA)
>>> from pykeen.training import SLCWATrainingLoop
>>> training_loop = SLCWATrainingLoop(
... model=model,
... triples_factory=dataset.training,
... )
>>> # Train like Cristiano Ronaldo
>>> _ = training_loop.train(
... triples_factory=training_triples_factory,
... num_epochs=5,
... batch_size=256,
... # NEW: validation evaluation callback
... callbacks="evaluation-loop",
... callback_kwargs=dict(
... prefix="validation",
... factory=dataset.validation,
... ),
... )
>>> # Pick an evaluation loop (NEW)
>>> from pykeen.evaluation import LCWAEvaluationLoop
>>> evaluation_loop = LCWAEvaluationLoop(
... model=model,
... triples_factory=dataset.testing,
... )
>>> # Evaluate
>>> results = evaluation_loop.evaluate()
>>> # print(results)
PyKEEN allows interaction with the training loop through callbacks. One particular use case is regular evaluation (outside of an early stopper). The following example shows how to evaluate on the training triples on every tenth epoch
from pykeen.datasets import get_dataset
from pykeen.pipeline import pipeline
dataset = get_dataset(dataset="nations")
result = pipeline(
For further information about different result trackers, take a look at the section on :ref:`trackers`.
The first steps tutorial taught you how to train and use a model for some of the most common tasks. There are several other topic-specific tutorials in the section of the documentation. You might also want to jump ahead to the :ref:`troubleshooting` section in case you're having trouble, or look through questions and discussions that others have posted on GitHub.