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🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~
m3u8[m3u8-downloader] 视频在线提取工具 流媒体下载 、视频下载 、 m3u8下载 、 B站视频下载 桌面客户端 windows mac
Translate the video from one language to another and add dubbing. 将视频从一种语言翻译为另一种语言,并支持api调用
Curated list of project-based tutorials
A Deep Learning Approach for Password Guessing (
ComfyUI-Manager is an extension designed to enhance the usability of ComfyUI. It offers management functions to install, remove, disable, and enable various custom nodes of ComfyUI. Furthermore, th…
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
Wifi password cracking tool tested (PLDT-Home Wifi)
A tool to crack a wifi password using wordlist. The Wordlists contains over 100K commonly used passwords
Automatically exported from
A Wireless (WPA/WPA2) Pentest/Cracking tool. Captures & Crack 4-way handshake and PMKID key. Also, supports a deauthentication/jammer mode for stress testing
Crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Routers with Airodump-ng and Aircrack-ng/Hashcat
A collection of wordlists dictionaries for password cracking
DataSphereStudio is a one stop data application development& management portal, covering scenarios including data exchange, desensitization/cleansing, analysis/mining, quality measurement, visualiz…
PiP tool is a software to use the Picture in Picture mode on Windows. This feature allows you to watch content (video for example) in thumbnail format on the screen while continuing to use any othe…
🔥🔥🔥 Web-based linux server management control panel. / 现代化、开源的 Linux 服务器运维管理面板。
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🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
📚 本代码库是作者小傅哥多年从事一线互联网 Java 开发的学习历程技术汇总,旨在为大家提供一个清晰详细的学习教程,侧重点更倾向编写Java核心内容。如果本仓库能为您提供帮助,请给予支持(关注、点赞、分享)!