- 🔭 Current Project: Drive Flow – A dynamic, interactive Car Rental Marketplace build with MERN stack.
- 🌱 Exploring: Advanced JavaScript, React.js, and Next.js.
- 🤝 Collaboration: Passionate about open-source projects and team collaborations.
- 📝 Knowledge Sharing: I document my journey at My Blog, sharing tutorials and insights.
- 💬 Ask Me About: JavaScript, React, Node.js, REST APIs, and modern web development.
- 🎯 Goal: To develop scalable and innovative web solutions.
- 🌍 Fun Fact: I love reading and experimenting with creative ideas for fun projects.
JavaScript |
Bootstrap |
TailwindCSS |
React |
Next.js |
TypeScript |
Node.js |
Express.js |
MongoDB |
- Tech Stack: React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- A dynamic, interactive Car Rental Marketplace build with MERN stack.
- Tech Stack: React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- A dynamic, interactive "Web Development" Agency web application build with MERN stack.
- Tech Stack: React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- A dynamic, interactive E-commerce Marketplace build with MERN stack.
- 📝 I write about JavaScript, MERN Stack, and web development on My Blog.
- 📺 I also create video tutorials. Visit my YouTube channel here.