This is an automation framework supporting UI mobile testing. It's built on top of the following component
- Selenium: Automation tool for web applications.
- TestNG: Test runner for executing tests.
- Appium: Framework for mobile application automation.
- Java Development Kit (JDK): Java 8 or higher installed.
- Appium: Appium 2.x or higher installed
- Android Emulator or Real Device: Android Studio or SDK Flatform Tool
- Install Allure report commandline
|- src
|- main/java/com.todolist
|- driver
|- utils # Functions for file, random
|- test
|- java/com/todolist
|- constants # Constants
|- models # Data models
|- pageobjects # Page object classes
|- shared # Common page classes
|- tests # UI test cases of the application
|- resources # Data (app, config data, test data ..)
|- app # Application file (.apk)
|- testdata # Data file (E.g. Excel, csv, ...)
|- testsuite # Test suite
|- # Appium capabilities
|- .gitignore # Excluded the unnecessary files in the repo
|- # This file
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-folder>
Install dependencies:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Run tests:
mvn clean test
allure serve .\allure-results