Tags: neuvector/neuvector
Update consul version to 1.16.4p1 Help Sam Wang to update consul version to 1.16.4p1. The original commit is holyspectral/neuvector@adacd3e#diff-f6915a4f6b0adf7568f77fd8c72dd1c0a3d37352c6c93dcd5630a180ba2f95c5R55
NVSHAS-9649: Container link produces 404 response code in security event
feat: NVSHAS-9490 support controller SLSA L3 1. Provide cross platform/standalone Dockerfile for controller and enforcer. 2. Release.yml to publish SLSA-capable artifacts 3. Make sure third party checksum is checked. 4. Provide build target, test-image, build-image and push-image to sync with rancher. 5. Switch to golang:1.22 as its base image
NVSHAS-9651: Quay.io needs user name and password for scanning It is because Get(https://quay.io/v2/) always return 401 that we should not always treat it as failure
NVSHAS-9651: Quay.io needs user name and password for scanning It is because Get(https://quay.io/v2/) always return 401 that we should not always treat it as failure
NVSHAS-9631: Reduce some enforcer errors All of getConnectionByFile errors are for reference purpose. The process might be done before it obtains the file. It is normal. They should be assigned to DEBUG level.