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Distributed recon & pentest tool

Travis Master Go Report Card Godoc Code Coverage


# start a first server
netm4ul start server

# start a client node
netm4ul start client

# Run all the modules on the "example.tld" domain
netm4ul run example.tld

# generate the report
netm4ul report 

To understand a little bit more of the project, you might want to look at the documentation/ file.

There is a single binary for the Controller, Agent, CLI client, API...

Running NetM4ul with Docker (recommended)

You can install Docker on common distribution (ubuntu / debian) with the script at The full procedure can be found here

You will need docker-compose to simplify the launch of all parts of the application. You can find the installation instruction here

git clone
cd netm4ul
vim netm4ul.conf # change the credentials (db, api, etc...)
docker-compose up --build # you can add the "-d" option to detach your terminal, but you will need to "docker log" to see dev traces

This should download and run locally :

  • 1 Controller node of NetM4ul (named netmaulserver)
  • 1 Agent node of NetM4ul (named netmaulclient)
  • 1 Database with data stored in the ./data/db directory


  • If running with the provided docker-compose.yml, the netm4ul.conf must use the "container_name" of each service for their ip. (eg : set the database ip to "postgres" in our case)
  • We have another repository to enables deployement with Ansible.
  • We might add a sample k8s deployment file soon.

Running without Docker

In the following example, a "terminal" could be a single host or multiple. You will need to download the same binary for each of them. Just modify the netm4ul.conf accordingly

Requirement :

  • Download the executable from the release section of Github.

Optionnal database:

# !!! ensure the database is running if you plan to use one. !!!

./netm4ul setup # It will help setup all the things.

./netm4ul start server # in one terminal
./netm4ul start client # in another terminal

# netm4ul is running, you can control it directly with

./netm4ul run <somedomain,ip,ip range(CIDR)>

See Getting started for more informations


To help newcomers we provide a complete autocompletion.

To enable it, you will need to execute one of the following command.

for bash : source <(./netm4ul completion bash)

for zsh : source <(./netm4ul completion zsh)

netm4ul : Distributed recon made easy

  netm4ul [flags]
  netm4ul [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate autocompletion
  create      Create the requested ressource
  help        Help about any command
  list        Return all results
  report      Generate a new report
  run         Run scan on the defined target
  setup       NetM4ul setup
  start       Start the requested service
  status      Show status of the requested service
  version     Prints version

  -c, --config string    Custom config file path (default "netm4ul.conf")
  -h, --help             help for netm4ul
      --no-colors        Disable color printing
  -p, --project string   Uses the provided project name
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

Use "netm4ul [command] --help" for more information about a command.

You can use -h or --help on every subcommands.


The general architecture of Netm4ul looks like this : general architecture schema


All the core components are located in the core directory.

The api/ folder contains all the code for the REST api on the Controller node.

The server/ folder contains all the code for recieving and storing data in the DB. It's in charge of balancing all the modules on each client node.

The client/ folder contains all the code for Agent connection to the Controller node.

The session/ folder contains all the code for handling current session (loaded modules...).

The config/ is used for parsing the config files.


The api is a HTTP REST API. It only serves JSON results with the Content-Type: application/json. It uses the following format :

	"status": "success", // only "success" or "error"
	"code": CodeOK, // see the "code list" in godocs
	"message": "Some message", // required only in ERROR code. Not mandatory on success
	"data" : // any kind of JSON type : object, array, string, number, ... If error, no data are returned.

All the JSON fields are lowercase and most of them are omitted if empty. (You can see all the field and possible result in the core/database/models/models.go)

The status code list is available in the core/api/codes.go file. If you plan to develop something, you might want to use the constant value representing them.


We are open to as many module as possible. Recon, Report, Exploit... are all welcome.

You can enable/disable each modules directly in the config file.


We currently support nmap, masscan, traceroute recon modules. dns, shodan are WIP and should soon be added.


One report mode is available. More a to come. We aim to provides :

  • Textual reports
  • PDF
  • Docs
  • HTML


Netm4ul support multiple data storage backend.

For the moment : PostgreSQL is the prefered one.

Each database support is called an adapter and can be found in the core/database/adapters folder.

We currently support : PostgreSQL, storing to JSON file (JsonDB adapter) and a testadapter is provided for testing purpose only (it will not store anything).

The support for MongoDB is wanted but will need help to support it.

You can create a new adapters using the netm4ul create adapter command. It will generate all the boiler plate and place all the code in the good place. For more information see Developers.


The PostgreSQL backend is the recommended database backend for Netm4ul. You can use the provided docker-compose to set it up easily.

If you want to just start the postgres server (without dockerized netm4ul Controller / Agents) with the docker-compose command, run docker-compose up -d postgres

Please, before using it, change the password writen in the docker-compose.yml file. (POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password)


Netm4ul tries to be developer friend.

If you want to hack on it, you must download Go You will also need to get dep by running the command got get -u (for other installation type, see dep )

We provide a Makefile to download dependencies, build and test the application.

You can run make in the netm4ul repository to build and install it. You can run tests by running make test.

If you want to write a new module (Recon, Report, Exploit) or a new database adapter, you should use the command netm4ul create. It will generate all the boilerplate needed to efficiently write new code.

For more information, follow the


You can contribute to Netm4ul by openning pull requests, issues.

Contribution are not only for code. Non-code submission are strongly appreciated. (Spelling error? Missing documentation ? Missing example ? Better schema ?)

If you see a bug, please fill up an issues. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

For more information, follow the


Distributed recon & pentest tool



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