This is a simple implement of libc.
This libc is for OI judge use, so functions about file and system aren't implemented.
The math library isn't implemented, so use libm.a directly.
To build this lib, you will need GNU bash, gcc and GNU make.
Type ./gen
to generate Makefile.
Type make ${BIT}
to build ${BIT} bit version, default is 32.
Type make install PREFIX=${PREFIX}
to install to ${PREFIX}, default is /usr/local/judgelib.
To use this lib, compile the program like this:
g++ test.cpp -o test -I${PREFIX}/include -I{PREFIX}/include/c++ -L${PREFIX}/lib -nostdlib ${PREFIX}/lib/crt.o -ljudge --Wl,--rpath=${PREFIX}/lib -lm
Where ${PREFIX} is the install prefix.