Hi 👋 I'm Negin, a full-time Software Engineer from San Fransisco with a passion for building innovative solutions.
Current Role: Full-time Software Engineer, specializing in designing and building RESTful APIs and integrations, microservices, automating infrastructure and CI/CD pipelines, and front-end development.
Academic Background: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Sacramento State University.
Education: Currently Part-time Master's student at Georgia Tech, diving deep into Machine Learning to stay ahead of industry trends.
Side Projects: Exploring the world of AI by building personal AI agents to automate tasks and enhance productivity.
Professional Development: Currently enhancing algorithm skills and building AI agents to stay ahead of industry trends.
My Favorite Activities: Skiing in Tahoe, hiking in SF, running and weight lifiting.
- Generative AI Exploration: Building personal AI agents to stay ahead of industry trends, specifically learning Langchain and CrewAI, with projects available on my GitHub repositories.
- Active in recruiting top talent from California universities to build high-performing software engineering teams.
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/negin-mahrang
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you'd like to collaborate or discuss technology!