This is an opionated implementation of the classic IDistributedCache on MongoDb database. The aim is to minimize call to the datatabse and using most up-to-date driver as possible.
The package is published on Nuget - TeamNebula - Mongodb Distributed cache
Usage is really simple, you just configure with the corresponding extensions methods.
services.AddMongoDbDistributedCache(options =>
options.ConnectionString = "mongodb://...";
options.DatabaseName = "my-database-name";
options.CollectionName = "my-collection-name";
options.DefaultCacheDurationsInMinutes = 10;
Also options has a special property called MongoClientFactory
that allows the extension to call your function to obtain an instance of a IMongoClient. This allows for your application to manage all possible options in a centralized way (intercepting etc). Also allows you to have a single instance of the IMongoClient for your porcess (a well known best practice in MongoDb).