A thin wrapper around Matplotlib for conveniently making 'joy plots'.
Accepts a DataFrame as input, and can be used to make grouped line plots or histograms.
Install from PyPI, pip install pyjoyplot
data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame holding all data -- required
x (str) : DataFrame column to use as x value -- required
y (str) : DataFrame column to use as y values -- required, if making a line plot
hue (str): DataFrame column to use to group data -- required
kind (str): specify plot type; line or hist -- default = line
offset (int/float): vertical seperation between plots -- default = 0.75
cmap (str/list): name of matplotlib cmap, or list -- default = 'Dark2'
of colors to be used for plots
smooth (int): smoothing window, -- default = 1 (no smoothing)
order (list): order of categories - top to bottom -- default = None
bins (int/list): bins if using hist.
int for all hists to have same bins
else list of bin numbers -- default = 10
return : ax object