Traefik is a modern reverse proxy aimed towards applications running through container orchestrators.
Some of the benefits of using Traefik over NGinx are:
- Real-time configuration changes - no need to reload the proxy
- Auto discovery and configuration of services through a vast amount of container orchestrators.
- Built-in official support for Let's Encrypt SSL with certificate auto-renewal
- Supports path-based routing without need to hard-code it in global config.
: Optional, The email Let's Encrypt will use to notify you about certificate expiration.BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS
: Addtraefik
: Traefik can not accept list of hosts. Add additional hosts in a new file named e.g.btcpayserver-traefic.custom.yml
:version: "3" services: btcpayserver: labels: traefik.http.routers.btcpayserver2.rule: Host(``) traefik.http.routers.btcpayserver3.rule: Host(``)