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The module systems of JavaScript are an incomprehensible mess, so are their resolution rules. I do like and want strong typing, but would rather not touch tsconfig for aforementioned reasons, so it’s impossible for me to maintain a typed implementation. Feel free to take the code, I’m happy to transfer the package name to appropriate prospective maintainers.



An Eleventy plugin adding multi-site support. Written in TypeScript, compiled to CommonJS.

For simplicity, this plugin is called multisite below.

Assume such directory layout:


and you want them as three different sites, namingly blog, lab and photos.

You can go as-is, building them on all occurences, publishing corresponding directory for each site, AND handwriting every link.

Or you can use multisite, which build only one (or some, or all) of them for you.

$ cd sites
$ pnpm add --dev eleventy-multisite
# or
$ npm install --save-dev eleventy-multisite
const multisite = require('eleventy-multisite')

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
	// your existing configurations
	eleventyConfig.addPlugin(multisite, {
		baseDir: 'sites/',
		outDir: '_out/',
		sites: '*',
package.json (optional)
	"scripts": {
		"m11ty": "pnpm exec eleventy-multisite",
		"m11ty": "npm exec eleventy-multisite"
# with the script alias above
$ pnpm m11ty                    # build all sites (directories) under `config.baseDir`
# or
$ npm run m11ty
$ pnpm m11ty onedown --watch    # watch and build `onedown` under `config.baseDir`
$ pnpm m11ty blog --serve       # watch and serve `${config.baseDir}/blog`


$ pnpm run eleventy-multisite
$ pnpm run eleventy-multisite site1 glob*
# or
$ npm run eleventy-multisite
$ npm run eleventy-multisite site1 glob*
  • -b, --basedir base directory of sites, overrides config.baseDir, default sites/; respects .gitignore and ignores --outdir

  • -o, --outdir base directory of output, overrides config.outDir, default _out/

  • -c, --config configuration file path, default .eleventy.js

  • -E, --exclude exclude this glob pattern, can be specified multiple times

  • -w, --watch watch and rebuild as source files change

  • -S, --serve start a web server serving built site, automatically --watch

  • -p, --port serve at this port, default 8080 (Eleventy default)

  • -n, --dryrun don’t write to disk; passed to Eleventy

  • -P, --pathprefix see Eleventy doc; passed to Eleventy


Due to the multi-action nature of multisite, you can’t --serve multiple sites with one command, otherwise stdout would be messed up, and it wouldn’t be possible to figure out which port to serve which site. --watch is fine.

The --to option is currently not supported.

Positional arguments (ones not starting with -- or -) are interpreted as site name patterns, searched for under --basedir or config.baseDir. See the fast-glob package for pattern syntax.

If no positional argument is given, patterns defined in configuration option sites (see below) will be used.

Sites may have their own .eleventy.js configuration file, and also have their config file path defined in config.sites[].configPath.

Configurations are applied in following order:

  1. Global configuration

  2. Site-specific configuration

  3. Command line arguments


This plugin is configured through the top-level configuration file usually named .eleventy.js. It reads the same --config option as Eleventy does, so you can use a different file name.

// .eleventy.js

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
	// your existing configuration

	// exactly match three sites, with default config
	let options = {
		sites: ['blog', 'lab', 'photos'],

	// match all sites starting with `site-`, and `blog` with site-specific config;
	// write all output to `_build/` instead of `_out/`
	options = {
		outDir: '_build/',
		sites: [
			['blog', {
				outDir: '_blog',
				configPath: '.blog.eleventy.js',

	// use the default config: all visible directories under `sites/`, write to `_out/`
	options = {}

	eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require('eleventy-multisite'), options)

options?: MultisiteConfig

baseDir?: string

Base search directory. Default is sites/.

config.outDir will be excluded to prevent previous output being "rebuilt".

If .gitignore is present, its rules are respected.

outDir?: string

Base output directory. Each site, unless individually specified, will be built in ${outDir}/${site}. Default is _out/.

sites?: (string | [string, SiteConfig])[] | string | [string, SiteOptions]

May be an array of or a single site spec.

Each site spec may be a

  • glob pattern, or

  • tuple of glob pattern and site-specific config

Each pattern is appended a /, to filter out only the directories.

Default is ['*'], meaning all visible directories under config.baseDir.

excludes?: string[] | string

Exclude these glob patterns, relative to config.baseDir.


outDir?: string

Output directory of the site, relative to project root.

configPath?: string

Configuration file path of the site, relative to project root.

pathPrefix?: string

templateFormats?: string[] | string

ignoreGlobal?: boolean

Ignore global configuration. Default is false.

passthroughCopy?: string | string[] | { [key: string]: string }

Site-local passthrough copy, relative to site directory.

May be

  • a glob pattern

  • an array of glob patterns

  • a dictionary of source glob: destination pairs


Copyright © 2022 Blair Noctis.

Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license; see LICENSE.txt.


Eleventy plugin adding multi-site support







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