git clone
Ruby version: 3.0.2
Rails version: 7.0.3
Install gems:
gem install bundler
bundle install
bin/rails db:migrate
Inside you project folder:
bin/rails dev:cache
Inside you project folder:
bin/rails server
Inside you project folder:
rspec spec
This project is a simple web application that allows you to search for comics in Marvel Developer API. The app allow users to search for comics by character's name and mark favourite ones.
- Devise - This gem is used to authenticate users to access the application.
- HTTParty - Gem used to make HTTP requests to the Marvel API.
- Pry - This gem is used to debug the application.
- RSpec - Gem is used to test the application.
- Webmock - This gem is used to mock HTTP requests when testing.
- The entities character and comic were implemented based on ActiveRecord classes to make easier to manipulate and understand the objects.
- To help mitigate problems concerning external API rate limit, API responses were cached for 24 hours.
- Refactor the javascript to use turbo-links on upvote feature.
- Refactor comics layout (image and title).
- Add more tests to have a better coverage.