The one lua testing framework that mocks classes, runs with real classes from your project, has nginx embedded methods for openresty individual testing. Has a suite of libraries preinstalled and you can specify libraries to install.
Mocka runs better in docker than in standalone - all you need to do is pull the image and run it like so
sudo luarocks make mocka-1.0.0-1.rockspec
sudo luarocks install luacov
lua -lluacov run_tests.lua
luacov-cobertura -o coverage_report.xml
Suggest using:
GitHub Pull Request Coverage Status and Cobertura Plugin
mocka <path_to_file>
- run a test file written in mocka framework stylemocka -t <path_to_file>
- run a test file written in mocka framework style (you can pass multiple -t files and the command will run all)mocka <path_to_file> -p <path_to_root_of_project>
- run a test file and set the project root to the directory provided in -p (this helps a lot when working with packages). !The path to root of project is more or less the same as for your luarocks module - where your lua files are all located!
If you need coverage report in a human readable form:
luacov-cobertura -o coverage_report.xml
make build-docker
make run-tests
make build-and-test
Spy whatever classes you want. Spies are reset after each test. And loose whatever stubbing you did. That is why if any stub is needed than it should be declared at beforeEach level. T2 is a global required field in this example - required somewhere else.
Stubs treat even the async nature of nginx - ran on demand
spy("test2", "run", function()
print "Ok"
test('it is', function()
calls(spy("test2").run, 1)
Mock whatever methods you want. Mocks are reset after each test. And loose whatever stubbing you did. That is why if any stub is needed than it should be declared at beforeEach level or test level.
local classToMock = mock("", {"method1", "method2"})
or mock all the methods dynamic
local classToMock = mock("")
local classToMock = mock("", {"method1", "method2"})
when(classToMock).method1.fake(function(arg1, arg2)
return arg1
local classToMock = mock("", {"method1", "method2"})
when(classToMock).method1.doReturn = function(arg1, arg2)
return arg1
local classToMock = mock("", {"method1", "method2"})
classToMock.__method1.doReturn = function(arg1, arg2)
return arg1
The only method that you don't want to alter if you mock is the new function.
test('describe what you are testing', function()
assertEquals(true, true)
test('describe what you are testing', function()
assertEquals(true, false)
end, true)
xtest('describe what you are testing', function()
assertEquals(true, true)
assertEquals(true, true)
local one_object = {
one = 1,
two = 2
local second_object = {
two = 2,
one = 1
assertEquals(one_object, second_object)
assertEqualse("string", "string")
local first_array = {1, 2, 3}
local second_array = {1, 2, 3}
assertEquals(first_array, second_array)
local first_array = {1, 2, 3}
local second_array = {2, 1, 3}
assertNotEquals(first_array, second_array)
local x = "string"
local x = 3 < 5
local x = 3 > 5
local classToMock = mock("class", {"method"})
calls(classToMock.__method, 1)
local classToMock = mock("class", {"method"})
calls(classToMock.__method, 1, arg2, arg1)
This dependencies apply for docker
- luacov-cobertura - MIT
- luacheck - MIT
- ldoc
- jsonpath - MIT
- lua-cjson - MIT
- luabitop - MIT
- lua-resty-iputils - MIT