The idea of this project is make a continuous stream of tweets filtered by a keyword.
You need to create a app on and setup the Consumer-Key and Secret-Key on AppDelegate.swift
I made a StreamManager to be my streamlayer, it responsable to received data and erros.
We can use any stream request to start a new stream.
Made using viper to be more testable and to divide responsabilities.
Using SOLID like reference.
- Unit test to test my business layer.
- Snapshot to test my view states.
- UITest end to end.
- Save data using a database local making offline experience more interesting;
- Redesign, I didn't spend time to make a beatiful layout. The ideia is make the view states more representative and we have more info to show in each tweet;
- Improve the experience with a grather limit. Now it works to receive and show more then five tweets, but the updates on TableView make the experience after scroll not good.
- Fernando Ferreira - linkedin
Be confortable to send any question about the project: