[bug]: Hardware Simulator still sensitive to order of HDL insturctions #548
Hardware Simulator
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What happened?
The following code fails the CPU test (in line 17 of CPU.tst). It passes when the register updates are moved to the beginning of the code:
IN inM[16], // M value input (M = contents of RAM[A])
instruction[16], // Instruction for execution
reset; // Signals whether to re-start the current
// program (reset==1) or continue executing
// the current program (reset==0).
OUT outM[16], // M value output
writeM, // Write to M?
addressM[15], // Address in data memory (of M)
pc[15]; // address of next instruction
// loadA, loadD, writeM
Not(in=instruction[5], out=notD1);
Nand(a=notD1, b=instruction[15], out=loadA);
And(a=instruction[4], b=instruction[15], out=loadD);
And(a=instruction[3], b=instruction[15], out=writeM);
// ALU x=D, y=select A or M
Mux16(a=outA, b=inM, sel=instruction[12], out=yAlu);
ALU(x=outD, y=yAlu, zx=instruction[11], nx=instruction[10], zy=instruction[9], ny=instruction[8], f=instruction[7], no=instruction[6], out=outAlu, out=outM, zr=zr, ng=ng);
// A or C instruction -> select input for A register (Immediate or ALU output)
Mux16(a[0..14]=instruction[0..14], b=outAlu, sel=instruction[15], out=inA);
// Jump if C instruction and ((j1 and ng) or (j2 and zr) or (j3 and po))
Or(a=ng, b=zr, out=ngOrZr); //po=not(ng or zr)
Not(in=ngOrZr, out=po);
And(a=instruction[2], b=ng, out=jng);
And(a=instruction[1], b=zr, out=jzr);
And(a=instruction[0], b=po, out=jpo);
Or(a=jng, b=jzr, out=jmp1);
Or(a=jmp1, b=jpo, out=jmp2);
And(a=jmp2, b=instruction[15], out=jmp);
// Update registers
// !!!
// !!! Fails in the web IDE in line 17 of test file. Passes if moved to the beginning of the PARTS section.
PC(in=outA, load=jmp, inc=true, reset=reset, out[0..14]=pc);
ARegister(in=inA, load=loadA, out=outA, out[0..14]=addressM);
DRegister(in=outAlu, load=loadD, out=outD);
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