This is the data part of the THCHS30 2015
acoustic data
& scripts dataset.
The dataset is described in more detail in the paper THCHS-30 : A Free Chinese Speech Corpus
by Dong Wang, Xuewei Zhang.
A paper (if it can be called a paper) 13 years ago regarding the database:
Dong Wang, Dalei Wu, Xiaoyan Zhu, TCMSD: A new Chinese Continuous Speech Database
International Conference on Chinese Computing (ICCC'01), 2001, Singapore.
The layout of this data pack is the following:
audio data
contain symlinks into the data
directory for both audio and
transcription files. Contents of these directories define the
train/dev/test split of the data.
trigram LM based on word
lexicon based on word
trigram LM based on phone
lexicon based on phone
this file
Statistics for the data are as follows:
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**dataset** **audio** **#sents** **#words**
=========== ========== ========== ===========
train 25 10,000 198,252
dev 2:14 893 17,743
test 6:15 2,495 49,085
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