Supplementary files for Chapter 2 of my master's dissertation "Jellyfish repeatomes uncover hidden satellite diversity and provide insights into the C-value enigma"
The files and directories included in this folder include the following:
/RepeatExplorer/ directory including datasets resulting from RE2 pipeline
and the scripts used to process them and carry on
/RepeatExplorer/ Python script used to manipulate files resulting from
repeatmasker repeat annotation in assemblies,
to identify clusters after clusterscan,
and to classify them into proximal or distal to
gaps and ends.
/RepeatExplorer/ScyphoSat_table table containing all information regarding satellite
monomers obtained with RE2, including manual curation
information, classification and sequence information.
/RepeatExplorer/ Python script to plot the distribution of intragenomic divergence of satellites in assemblies and reads.
/RepeatExplorer/ Python script to compare satDNA features distribution in samples of the same genus.
/RepeatExplorer/ Python script to compare satDNA features across all
species and samples.
/RepeatExplorer/ Python script to duplicate and rename satDNA monomers.
/RepeatExplorer/ Python script to classify satDNA blast hits as variants, families and superfamilies.
/dnaPipeTE/ directory including datasets resulting from dnaPipeTE and the scripts used to process them and carry on statistics
/dnaPipeTE/SupplementaryTableS2extended general repetitive content information including detailed abundance information about all TE Superfamilies
/dnaPipeTE/dnaPipeTE_spearmanr.R R script used for statistical analysis between genome
size and dnaPipeTE results
/dnaPipeTE/ Python script used for filtering protein domains with
coverage below certain threshold