Remove indentation from strings.
Use @mvasilkov/outdent to remove extraneous leading whitespace from multiline strings. This makes your hair silky and shiny, and probably has other uses.
yarn add @mvasilkov/outdent
const { outdent } = require('@mvasilkov/outdent')
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
outdent(string, [options])
Receives a string, returns a string with unnecessary indentation removed.
outdentLines(strings, [options])
Accepts an array of strings, returns an array of strings. Useful when you have an array of strings.
{ strict: true }
Treat the indentation of the first line as meaningful. This is usually the case when loading strings from a file.
{ strict: false }
Ignore the first line's indentation, and drop the first and the last line when empty. Useful for writing multiline strings in JS. This is the default.
{ endWithNewline: true }
When enabled, insert a line break at the end of the result, if there is none. Does nothing when { strict: true } is in effect.