Project members: Roshni, Muneeb, Ria, Mahalel, Ricardo
The topic selected by our Project team 8 is surrounding fraudulent e-commerce transactions With two data sets merged, we filtered out the legitimate transactions to analyze the fraud transactions among a vast variety of categories: Age, transaction amount, payment method etc.
dataset link presentation link
We have provided 8 visualizations which include:
Number of customers by product category and age group
Fraud Transactions vs Account Age Days Tree map for hour of day the fraud transactions took place line plot for the days age of the account that had the fraud take place bar chart of the hour of day fraud took place over the 24 hour daily window Pie chart of method of payments used for fraud box plots for fraud and non fraud transactions bar chart for number of customers by product category and age group 2 line plots outlining payment methods used in fraud transactions
Please note that our notebook includes other various visuals we considered in our analysis which did not make the final presentation