This is my personal use vim config.
My main work on Go, PHP, You can fork this repositorie and modify it until you like.
Install plugins dependencies:
- Vundle for manager plugins:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
- Gotags for tagbar:
go get -u
orbrew install gotags
(For Mac OS X) - Ag for code search: see
- Vundle for manager plugins:
Install plugins: Open vim and :PluginInstall
Using it.
- leader is ","
- ctrl + t : new tab
- shift + h : gT
- shift + l : gt
- ctrl + k : ctrl + w + (up)
- ctrl + j : ctrl + w + (down)
- ctrl + l : ctrl + w + (right)
- ctrl + h : ctrl + w + (left)
- tab is 4 width tab, no space
- clipboard on Mac OS X is shared with system
- paste toggle is F10
- when you forget for edit file with root, you can try w!! save file
- Vundle
- easymotion
- tagbar
- nerdtree
- tComment
- ctrlp
- neocomplete
- vim-multiple-cursors
- molokai
- vim-hybrid
- vim-fugitive
- vim-json
- vim-markdown
- vim-gitgutter
- syntastic
- ag.vim
- vim-airline
- wildfire.vim
- vim-go
- incsearch.vim
- gist-vim