This program, aimed at students of Politecnico di Milano, synces a local folder with files uploaded by professors on the BeeP platform.
This code is in the beta stage. Documentation is under construction here.
- PySide2 support added for python3.6 [DCDRJ]
- Fixed Gui code where app couldn't find button [DCDRJ]
- Now sync message label works [DCDRJ]
- Fixed login error [DCDRJ]
- Fixed labels typos [DCDRJ]
- Added status label [DCDRJ]
- Fixed sync code [DCDRJ]
Progress bar for each course.
- KeyError fixed (bug #12)
- pyparsing dependency added.
- Add travis-ci configuration
- Deny zero-length save folder names #10. [Davide Olianas]
- Only links containing real courses are processed. [Davide Olianas]
- --hidden option works #6. [Davide Olianas]
- --debug option works #6. [Davide Olianas]
- Basic working configuration for logging. [Davide Olianas]
- Add debugging statements. [Davide Olianas]
- Style fixes. [Davide Olianas]
- Remove unused import. [Davide Olianas]
- Add .ico icon for Windows. [Davide Olianas]
- Store __version__ in and use setuptools. [Davide Olianas]