Manage application configuration using Kubernetes secrets, configmaps, and Go templates.
Create configmaps and secrets:
kubectl create secret generic vault-secrets \
--from-literal 'mysql_password=v@ulTi$d0p3'
kubectl create configmap vault-configs \
--from-literal 'default_lease_ttl=768h' \
--from-literal 'mysql_username=vault'
Create the template
kubectl create -f configmaps/template.yaml
Process all konfd templates in all namespaces:
2016/12/04 23:02:51 Starting konfd...
2016/12/04 23:02:52 Syncing templates complete. Next sync in 60 seconds.
Review the results:
kubectl get configmaps vault -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: vault
namespace: default
server.hcl: |
default_lease_ttl = 768h
backend "mysql" {
username = "vault"
password = "v@ulTi$d0p3"
tls_ca_file = "/etc/tls/mysql-ca.pem"
konfd -onetime -noop -namespace default -configmap template