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Inji Automation - Mobile Automation Framework using Appium


Inji Automation is a mobile automation framework designed for iOS and Android platforms. It automates both positive and negative scenarios to ensure comprehensive testing of mobile applications.


To set up Appium for use with this framework, please follow the installation instructions provided in the Appium documentation.


  1. Build the JAR file: mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
  2. The JAR file will be generated in the target directory.
  3. For running tests on Device Farm, use the JAR file with dependencies (zip-with-dependencies).


  1. Update Config>> to modify the environment settings.
  2. Update the following keys in src/main/java>>inji.utils>>
    • uin
    • uin2
    • aid for environment changes.
  3. Update Config>> with the following values:
    • nodePath
    • appiumServerExecutable
  4. Update Config>>DesiredCapabilies.json with the following keys:
    • appium:udid
    • appium:app
  5. If the run is on Device Farm, set isDeviceFarmRun to true.
  6. To run tests in an IDE, set isDeviceFarmRun to false and execute the testng.xml file.


Test reports will be available in the test-output>>emailableReports directory after test execution.