Let's Encrypt certificates for RouterOS / Mikrotik
- When you renew your certificates using CertBot
- The script connects to your RouterOS / Mikrotik using DSA Key
- Delete previous certificate files
- Delete previous certificate
- Upload two new files: Certificate and Key
- Import new certificate and key
- Change SSTP Server Settings to new certificate
- Delete certificate and key files form RouterOS / Mikrotik storage
Similar way you can use on Debian/CentOS/AMI Linux/Arch/Others
Download the repo to your system
sudo -s
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/gitpel/letsencrypt-routeros
Edit the settings file:
vim /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/letsencrypt-routeros.settings
Variable Name | Data |
ROUTEROS_PRIVATE_KEY | /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/id_dsa |
DOMAIN | router.mydomain.com |
Change permissions:
chmod +x /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/letsencrypt-routeros.sh
Generate DSA Key for RouterOS
Make sure to leave the passphrase blank (-N "")
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/id_dsa -N ""
Send Generated DSA Key to RouterOS / Mikrotik
source /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/letsencrypt-routeros.settings
scp -P $ROUTEROS_SSH_PORT /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/id_dsa.pub "$ROUTEROS_USER"@"$ROUTEROS_HOST":"id_dsa.pub"
Check that user is the same as in the settings file letsencrypt-routeros.settings
Check mikrotik ssh port in /ip services ssh
Check mikrotik firewall to accept on SSH port
:put "Enable SSH"
/ip service enable ssh
:put "Add to the user DSA Public Key"
/user ssh-keys import user=admin public-key-file=id_dsa.pub
Install CertBot using official manuals https://certbot.eff.org/#ubuntuxenial-other
for Ubuntu 16.04
apt update
apt install software-properties-common -y
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt update
apt install certbot -y
In the first time you will need to create Certificates manually and put domain TXT record
follow CertBot instructions
source /opt/letsencrypt-routeros/letsencrypt-routeros.settings
certbot certonly --preferred-challenges=dns --manual -d $DOMAIN --manual-public-ip-logging-ok
To use settings form the settings file:
To use script without settings file:
./opt/letsencrypt-routeros/letsencrypt-routeros.sh [RouterOS User] [RouterOS Host] [SSH Port] [SSH Private Key] [Domain]
To use script with CertBot hooks:
certbot certonly --preferred-challenges=dns --manual -d $DOMAIN --manual-public-ip-logging-ok --post-hook ./opt/letsencrypt-routeros/letsencrypt-routeros.sh