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Eleventy Infrastructure for WCAG Techniques and Understanding

This subdirectory contains ES Modules re-implementing pieces of the XSLT-based build process using Eleventy.


Make sure you have Node.js installed. This has primarily been tested with v20, the current LTS at time of writing.

If you use fnm or nvm to manage multiple Node.js versions, you can switch to the recommended version by typing fnm use or nvm use (with no additional arguments) while in the repository directory.

Otherwise, you can download an installer from

First, run npm i in the root directory of the repository to install dependencies.

Common tasks:

Maintenance tasks (for working with Eleventy config and supporting files under this subdirectory):

  • npm run check checks for TypeScript errors
  • npm run fmt formats all TypeScript files

Environment Variables


Usage context: publish-w3c script only

Indicates top-level path of W3C CVS checkout, for WAI site updates (via publish-w3c script).

Default: ../../../w3ccvs (same as in Ant/XSLT build process)


Usage context: Local development, debugging

Prints more log messages that are typically noisy and uninteresting, but may be useful if you're not seeing what you expect in the output files.

Default: Unset (set to any non-empty value to enable)


Usage context: currently this should not be changed, pending future improvements to 21 support

Indicates WCAG version being built, in XY format (i.e. no .). Influences base URLs for links to guidelines, techniques, and understanding pages.

Default: 22


Usage context: should not need to be set manually except in specific testing scenarios

Influences base URLs for links to guidelines, techniques, and understanding pages. Typically set by specific npm scripts or CI processes.

Note that setting WCAG_MODE to any non-empty value (even one not listed below) will also result in page footers referencing last modified times based on git, rather than the local filesystem.

Possible values:

  • Unset (default) - Sets base URLs appropriate for local testing
  • editors - Sets base URLs appropriate for gh-pages publishing; used by deploy action
  • publication - Sets base URLs appropriate for WAI site publishing; used by publish-w3c script


Usage context: Automatically set during GitHub workflows; should not need to be set manually

Influences base URLs for links to guidelines, techniques, and understanding pages, when WCAG_MODE=editors is also set.

Default: w3c/wcag

Other points of interest

  • The main configuration can be found in top-level eleventy.config.ts
  • Build commands are defined in top-level package.json under scripts, and can be run via npm run <name>
  • If you see files named *.11tydata.*, these contribute data to the Eleventy build (see Template and Directory Data files under Sources of Data)