This repository is archived. Package rnirs is not be developed nor maintained anymore. Under R, it is replaced by package rchemo.
Click HERE to see the list of the available functions
or write in the R console
After the package installation, all the functions have a help page with documented examples.
Click HERE to see what changed in the last version
or write in the R console
news(package = "rnirs")
rnris is dependent to the following 6 packages available on CRAN:
Package | Which use in rnris? |
data.table | Fast data management |
FNN | Fast search of nearest neighbours |
kernlab | SVM core algorithms |
matrixStats | Fast column- and row-wise operations on matrices |
ptw | ALS detrend algorithm |
signal | Savitsky-Golay derivation algorithm |
Using Rstudio is recommended for installation and usage
Use the Rstudio menu
or write in the R console
a) Most recent version
Write in the R console
remotes::install_github("mlesnoff/rnirs", dependencies = TRUE,
build_vignettes = TRUE)
In case of the following question during installation process:
These packages have more recent versions available.
Which would you like to update?"
it is recommended to skip updates (usually choice 3 = None)
b) Any given tagged version
e.g. with tag "v1.9-0" (Be carefull, this is not the more recent version)
write in the R console
remotes::install_github("mlesnoff/rnirs@v1.9-0", dependencies = TRUE,
build_vignettes = TRUE)
Write in the R console
Matthieu Lesnoff
Cirad, UMR Selmet, Montpellier, France
ChemHouse, Montpellier
Lesnoff, M. 2021. R package rnirs: Dimension reduction, Regression and Discrimination for Chemometrics. CIRAD, UMR SELMET, Montpellier, France