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Again, two options:

If you are already familiar with lasagne or you are super-good with tensorflow/pytorch/similar, pick one of the alternative options. Otherwise we highly recommend the first one as we'll need convolutional networks soon enough.

  • recommended go to Seminar3.5-*-mnist.ipynb and follow the instructions (ends with lasagne MNIST classifier)

  • alternative task go to Seminar3.5-approx-q-learning.ipynb and follow the instructions (ends with simple NN for q-learning)

  • [alternative frameworks] Implement the simple q-learning network that solves CartPole-v0. You're not required to implement experience replay / any advanced stuff, just set sgd learning rate to a small enough number (10^-4) and pray that trains smoothly.

Here's a convenient translation to tensorflow: notebook

Agent can maintain low reward for long enough, but it should at least show some progress by the end of the default loop.