epaew's Enhanced Dvorak layout for Japanese Programmer
This is a sample. You can swap any symbol keys and modifier keys.
- Basic layout (for ansi)
` , ! , @ , # , $ , % , ^ , & , * , ( , ) , [ , ] , BSPC ,
TAB , ' , , , . , Y , Q , F , G , R , W , P , / , = , \ ,
CAPS , A , O , E , I , U , D , T , N , S , M , - , ENT ,
LSFT , : , X , C , V , Z , H , J , K , L , B , RSFT ,
And you can see my iris keyboard layout for sample implementation, too.
- 日本語入力用のキーを追加
- IME 切り替えキー
- 長押しでレイヤー切り替え、短押しでIME切り替え
- macOS(かな/英数)、Windows(Alt+`)の両方に対応
- IME 切り替えキー
- Define some custom keys for typing Japanese
- IME switching
- act as LOWER/RAISE when hold, act as IME switching when tapped
- for macOS(かな/英数), for Windows(Alt+`)
- IME switching
Dvorak 配列をベースに、ショートカットでよく利用される XCV は QWERTY 配列の位置を維持
- HJKL キーを横並びで配置
- Shift押下時と非押下時で、";"キーの挙動を入れ替え
内で#define SWAP_SCLN
を配置 -
mainly based on Dvorak layout, but XCV is available in the same position of QWERTY layout
for Vim users
- HJKL is lining side by side
- swap the ";" key behavior. i.e. send ":" normally and send ";" when you hold shift.
(need#define SWAP_SCLN
in yourconfig.h
we can type
keys without shift keys in base layer
Copyright 2018 Ryo Maeda epaew.333@gmail.com @epaew
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.