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Quixote Example

This example code is based on my "Agile Engineering for the Web" talk, first presented at Øredev in Malmö Sweden on 4 Nov 2015. The talk demonstrates test-driven development of front-end JavaScript and CSS. You can see it online here:

Video link

The Quixote portion starts at 21:50.

About the Example

This code demonstrates CSS and JavaScript tests. It uses:

  • Karma for cross-browser testing.
  • Mocha for running tests.
  • Chai for assertions.
  • Quixote for testing CSS.

The sample application uses Nicole Sullivan's media object to display an icon with some text. Clicking the icon causes the text to appear and disappear.

Important files:

Running the Tests

Before running the tests:

  1. Install Node.js.
  2. Install Quixote: npm install quixote
  3. Change to the example directory: cd node_modules/quixote/example

To run the tests:

  1. Start the Karma server: ./ karma (Unix/Mac) or jake karma (Windows)
  2. Open http://localhost:9876 in one or more browsers.
  3. Run ./ loose=true (Unix/Mac) or jake loose=true (Windows) every time you want to build and test. Alternatively, use ./ loose=true (Unix/Mac) or watch loose=true (Windows) to automatically run jake whenever files change.

Remove the loose=true parameter for strict Node and browser version checking.

To run the app:

  1. Run ./ run (Unix/Mac) or jake run (Windows).
  2. Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser.
  3. Click the coffee cup icon to see the text appear and disappear.


This repository consists of the following directories:

  • build: Build automation.
    • build/config: Build configuration.
    • build/scripts: Build scripts. Don't run them directly.
    • build/util: Modules used by the build scripts.
  • node_modules: npm dependencies (used by the build).
  • src: Front-end code.
  • vendor: Client code dependencies.

In the repository root, you'll find the following scripts. For each script, there's a .sh version for Unix and Mac and a .bat version for Windows:

  • jake: Build and test automation.
  • watch: Automatically runs jake when any files change. Any arguments are passed through to jake.

For all these scripts, use -T to see the available build targets and their documentation. If no target is provided, the script will run default. Use --help for additional options.

The scripts have these additional options:

  • loose=true: Disable strict browser and version checks.
  • capture=Firefox,Safari,etc: Automatically launch, use, and quit the requested browsers. You can use this instead of running ./ karma and manually starting the browsers yourself. Note that the browser name is case-sensitive. The Firefox launcher is included; if you need additional launchers, you'll need to install them; e.g., npm install karma-safari-launcher.
