TUIO 2.0 is an open framework that defines a common protocol and API for tangible interactive surfaces. The TUIO protocol allows the encoding and transmission of an abstract description of interactive surfaces and tangible objects, including their geometries and relations as well as multi-pointer input.
- encapsulates the TUIO 2.0 Token, Pointer, Symbol and Bounds components
- provides Server and Client implementations for TUIO 2.0 encoding/decoding
- optional TCP and Flash transport layers in addition to the default UDP transport
- supports the multiplexing of multiple TUIO2 sources
This library currently only implements a subset of the TUIO 2.0 specification, the remaining object geometries and relations will be added subsequently. The current code also defines a general API for the encapsulation of TUIO components. This API is already quite usable, but may still contain several partially or badly implemented sections, which are obviously subject to completion, change and improvements.
Apart from the actual cross-platform TUIO 2.0 implementation, this repository also provides several example projects that serve for the illustration and testing of the overall API functionality. This includes TUIO 2.0 client and server demonstrations with a simple SDL GUI as well as some simple console test applications. These examples should equally work on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems, the according Makefile as well as XCode and Visual Studio project files are included.
Developers are encouraged to integrate this TUIO 2.0 library into their projects, in order to support the development and testing of this common shared code base. The library is licensed under the LGPL in order to facilitate this collaboration.
Please use the provided Github infrastructure for the discussion related to the design and implementation of this library or the TUIO 2.0 specification in general. Any suggestions for improvements of the API design and code quality are most welcome, and should be submitted and discussed through pull requests.
For any other inquiries please get in touch with Martin Kaltebrunner via martin[at], although you may need to insist to receive a reply on this noisy communication channel.