MongoDB Sharded Cluster setup in Docker Containers (Docker-compose)
Use Docker-compose to create 8 node (3 node shards + 3 node config server + 2 node mongos router) containers for MongoDB Cluster:
docker-compose -f MongoDB_ClusterConfig.yaml up -d
- MongoDB_ClusterConfig.yaml -> This yaml file creates the entire 8 node containers for MongoDB which includes routers, config servers and shards with replicaset initiated.
Check the container status with:
docker-compose -f MongoDB_ClusterConfig.yaml ps
docker exec -it mongoconfig1 bash -c "echo 'rs.status()' | mongo"
docker exec -it mongoshard1 bash -c "echo 'rs.status()' | mongo"
docker exec -it mongosrouter1 bash -c "echo 'sh.status()' | mongo "
- ( This will make sure mongos routers are aware of all the sharded replicaset)
docker network create mongo_bridge --driver bridge
Docker does not support automatic service discovery on the default bridge network and the user defined network can resolve containers IP addresses by name.
docker volume create --name mongodb_shard (similar for mongodb_shard2 and mongodb_shard3)
These data volumes are created for Shard nodes which maps to /data/db ( using --dbpath for mongod nodes).
docker volume inspect mongodb_shard
docker run --hostname mongoshard1 --network mongo_bridge -p 27017:27017 --name mongoshard1
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes/mongodb_shard/_data:/data/db -d mongo bash -c 'mongod --shardsvr
--replSet mongoreplicaset1shard --dbpath /data/db --bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
docker run --hostname mongoshard2 --network mongo_bridge -p 27027:27017 --name mongoshard2
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes/mongodb_shard2/_data:/data/db -d mongo bash -c 'mongod --shardsvr
--replSet mongoreplicaset1shard --dbpath /data/db --bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
docker run --hostname mongoshard3 --network mongo_bridge -p 27037:27017 --name mongoshard3
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes/mongodb_shard3/_data:/data/db -d mongo bash -c 'mongod --shardsvr
--replSet mongoreplicaset1shard --dbpath /data/db --bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
These Shards can be primary, secondary/arbiter which stores collection of documents.
Documents or chunks are distributed across multiple shards based on the shard key, more shards (replica set) can be added added to scale these data nodes horizontally. --shardsvr: define these nodes as Shards and added to the replica set with --replset parameter. --bind_ip=,:: -> This will bind all ipv4 and ipv6 address for mongod/mongos so the containers can talk to each other, by default mongod/mongos binds to only localhost.
docker volume create --name mongoconfig1
(similar for mongoconfig2 and mongoconfig3)
docker run --hostname mongoconfig1 --network mongo_bridge -p 27047:27017 --name mongoconfig1
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes/mongoconfig1/_data:/data/db -d mongo bash -c 'mongod --configsvr
--replSet mongoreplicaset1conf --dbpath /data/db --bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
docker run --hostname mongoconfig2 --network mongo_bridge -p 27057:27017 --name mongoconfig2
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes/mongoconfig2/_data:/data/db -d mongo bash -c 'mongod --configsvr
--replSet mongoreplicaset1conf --dbpath /data/db --bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
docker run --hostname mongoconfig3 --network mongo_bridge -p 27067:27017 --name mongoconfig3
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes/mongoconfig3/_data:/data/db -d mongo bash -c 'mongod --configsvr
--replSet mongoreplicaset1conf --dbpath /data/db --bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
- These Config server replica set stores all metadata and cluster configuration. --configsvr : define these nodes as config server and are added to same replica set mongoreplicaset1conf.
docker run --hostname mongosrouter1 --network mongo_bridge -p 27077:27017 --name mongosrouter1 -d mongo
bash -c 'mongos --configdb mongoreplicaset1conf/mongoconfig1:27017,mongoconfig2:27017,mongoconfig3:27017
--bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
docker run --hostname mongosrouter2 --network mongo_bridge -p 27087:27017 --name mongosrouter2 -d mongo
bash -c 'mongos --configdb mongoreplicaset1conf/mongoconfig1:27017,mongoconfig2:27017,mongoconfig3:27017
--bind_ip=,:: --port 27017'
These routers acts as an interface between client application and shards. Mongos routers are dependent on config server, so with --configdb param to get metadata and config information from config server replicaset.
On one of the config server try to initiate the replica set with rs.initiate(config) members which started with --replSet param. This will assign primary and secondary replica set for config servers.
docker exec -it mongoconfig1 bash -c
"echo 'rs.initiate({_id: \"mongoreplicaset1conf\",configsvr: true,
members: [{ _id : 0, host : \"mongoconfig1\" },{ _id : 1, host : \"mongoconfig2\" },
{ _id : 2, host : \"mongoconfig3\" }]})' | mongo"
On one of the Shard node try to initiate the replica set with rs.initiate(config) members which started with --replSet param. This will assign primary and secondary replica set for Shard nodes.
docker exec -it mongoshard1 bash -c
"echo 'rs.initiate({_id : \"mongoreplicaset1shard\",
members: [{ _id : 0, host : \"mongoshard1\" },{ _id : 1, host : \"mongoshard2\" },
{ _id : 2, host : \"mongoshard3\" }]})' | mongo"
Finally we make mongos-router aware of sharded replicaset by sh.addshard(). Need to run this addshard() on one of the mongos-routers, which initiates the sharded-replicaset in routers so they can talk to these shards.
docker exec -it mongosrouter1 bash -c "echo 'sh.addShard(\"mongoreplicaset1shard/mongoshard1\")' | mongo "