Command-line Messaging for Facebook Messenger
Messer is a fully featured Facebook Messenger client for your terminal. Send and receive messages, view chat historys and more!
$ npm install -g messer
- Install
- Run
$ messer
- Enter your login details (don't worry, we don't store a thing)
Sends a message to a given user
(message | m) "<user>" <message>
message "Matthew" hello world!
m "Matthew" hello world!
When sending a message, Messer picks the closest match to what you type in as user
. For this reason, you should probably use last names if you want to avoid accidentally texting someone.
Replys to the last message you recevied i.e. Sends a message to the user of the most recently received message.
(reply | r) <message>
r "hey yo this is my reply"
Note: this will only work if you have received at least one message through Messer.
Lists all of your Facebook friends
Displays the last n messages in the conversation with a given user. The number of messages to retrieve are optional (default is 5).
(history | h) "<user>" [<n>]
history "Matthew" 10
h "Matthew"
Displays the n most recent conversations. The number of threads is optional (default is 5).
recent [<n>]
history "Matthew" 10
h "Matthew"
Clears the number of unread messages in the window title. Since we cannot listen on focus events, it has to be done manually.
(clear | c)
Logs you out
Locking on to a user or group allows you to send messages without having to specify the message
command; just type away!
lock "Tom Q"
To unlock, simply run:
When in this mode, any messages sent or recieved in the thread will be deleted for you (note, they won't be deleted for everyone).
lock "Tom Q" --secret
Messer can be run in non-interactive mode with command line arguments to execute a single command.
messer --command='<command>'
Login will be prompted if this is the first time logging in.
messer --command='m "John Smith" Hey, John'
messer --command='r Hey, John'
If ever you want to clean up any old Messer sessions and start from scratch, run:
$ messer cleanup
We don't store your username, password, or any of your interactions on Messer. The only thing we store is a temporary login token when you first log in. This let's us authenticate you with Facebook without you having to enter your username and password every time. If you want to get rid of it, simply run messer cleanup
, or if you're in a Messer session, run the logout
Messages from group chats appear like
(My cool friends) John Smith - hey guys!!$$@@
Send a message to a group by using the message
command. The name
is the name of the group chat! Reply works as normal
Take a look in Issues for things to contribute to. Only PR's that reference an issue will be considered. If you have a feature idea, submit an issue so it can be discussed!