This project follows the django 1.5 tutorial: Tango With Django by Leif Azzopardi and David Maxwell
See for more information.
Exerpt from Tango With Django: Overview: Design Brief:
1.4.1. Design Brief
Your client would like you to create a website called Rango that lets users browse through user-defined categories to access various web pages. In Spanish, the word rango is used to mean “a league ranked by quality” or “a position in a social hierarchy” (see
For the main page of the site, they would like visitors to be able to see:
- the 5 most viewed pages;
- the five most rango’ed categories; and
- some way for visitors to browse or search through categories.
When a user views a category page, they would like it to display:
- the category name, the number of visits, the number of likes;
- along with the list of associated pages in that category (showing the page’s title and linking to its url); and.
- some search functionality (via Bing’s Search API) to find other pages that can be linked to this category.
For a particular category, the client would like the name of the category to be recorded, the number of times each category page has been visited, and how many users have clicked a “like” button (i.e. the page gets rango’ed, and voted up the social hierarchy).
Each category should be accessible via a readable URL - for example, /rango/books-about-django/.
Only registered users will be able to search and add pages to categories. And so, visitors to the site should be able to register for an account.