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Function Description
chunks Splits an array into pieces of the given size.
clamp Limits the number to the specified minimum and maximum value.
decWord The function returns a string representing the correct ending of the word depending on the number.
alignTo The function returns an aligned number.
toShort The function returns a string representing the number in short form.
timeAgo The function returns a string describing the time elapsed since timestamp.
formatNumber Formats a number into a delimited string.
shuffle Shuffles the elements of an array in random order.
random Generates a random number within the specified range.
isType Checks if the value is of the specified type.
omit Returns a new object with no specified keys.
pick Returns a new object with the selected keys.
sleep Waits for the specified number of milliseconds.
copyText The function allows you to copy text to the clipboard.
createLinksFromText The function returns an array containing text fragments and the results of the callback call for each block.
HSVtoRGB The function converts color from HSV color model (hue, saturation, brightness) to RGB color model (red, green, blue).
RGBtoHEX The function converts color from the RGB color model (red, green, blue) to hexadecimal format (HEX).
RGBtoHSV The function converts color from the RGB (red, green, blue) color model to the HSV (hue, saturation, brightness) color model.
HEXtoRGB The function converts color from hexadecimal format (HEX) to the RGB color model (red, green, blue).
comparison Compares two objects for deep equality, including arrays (order-sensitive).
generateUniqueKey Generates a unique key for an arbitrary JavaScript object using hashing


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