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roblourens committed Sep 22, 2020
1 parent c9a5544 commit c8809eb
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Showing 13 changed files with 26 additions and 13 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.nls.cs.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Strategie, která se má použít pro funkci breakOnLoad",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Nastaví pozastavení Chromu při načítání každého skriptu za účelem překladu sourcemapů a nastavení zarážek.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Nastaví zarážky optimisticky do souborů se stejným názvem, jaký má soubor, ve kterém je zarážka nastavena.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Die für breakOnLoad zu verwendende Strategie.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Geben Sie an, dass Chrome beim Laden jedes Skripts anhalten soll, um Sourcemaps aufzulösen und Haltepunkte festzulegen.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Legt Haltepunkte optimistisch in Dateien fest, die denselben Namen wie die Datei aufweisen, in der der Haltepunkt festgelegt ist.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Estrategia que debe usarse para breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Indica a Chrome que haga una pausa cuando se carga cada script para resolver los mapas de origen y establecer puntos de interrupción",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Establece puntos de interrupción de forma optimista en archivos con el mismo nombre que el archivo donde se establece el punto de interrupción.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Stratégie à utiliser pour breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Indiquer à Chrome d'interrompre son exécution durant le chargement de chaque script pour résoudre les mappages de sources et définir les points d'arrêt",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Définit les points d'arrêt de manière optimiste dans les fichiers qui portent le même nom que le fichier dans lequel le point d'arrêt est défini.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Strategia da usare per breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Indica a Chrome di effettuare una sospensione durante il caricamento dei singoli script, risolvendo i mapping di origine e impostando i punti di interruzione",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Imposta i punti di interruzione in modalità ottimistica nei file con lo stesso nome del file in cui è impostato il punto di interruzione.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.nls.ja.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "breakOnLoad に対して使用する方法。",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "各スクリプトが読み込まれる際に Chrome を一時停止し、ソースマップを解決してブレークポイントを設定します",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "ブレークポイントが設定されているファイルと同じ名前を持つファイル内に、ブレークポイントをオプティミスティックに設定します。",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.nls.ko.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "breakOnLoad에 사용할 전략입니다.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "각 스크립트가 로드되면 Chrome에서 일시 중지한 후 sourcemap을 확인하고 중단점을 설정하도록 알려줍니다.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "중단점이 설정된 파일과 이름이 같은 파일에서 중단점을 최적으로 설정합니다.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Strategia na potrzeby ustawienia breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Poinformuj przeglądarkę Chrome, że ma wstrzymywać działanie podczas ładowania poszczególnych skryptów w celu rozpoznania map źródeł i ustawienia punktów przerwania",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Optymistycznie ustawia punkty przerwania w plikach o takiej samej nazwie co plik, w którym punkt przerwania jest ustawiony.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "A estratégia a ser usada para breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Informe ao Chrome para pausar conforme cada script é carregado, resolvendo sourcemaps e definindo pontos de interrupção",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Define os pontos de interrupção de modo otimista em arquivos com o mesmo nome que o arquivo no qual o ponto de interrupção está definido.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "Стратегия, используемая для breakOnLoad.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Сообщает Chrome о том, что необходимо приостановить работу после загрузки каждого сценария для разрешения сопоставителей с исходным кодом и установки точек останова",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Оптимистично устанавливает точки останова в файлах с таким же именем, как у файла, в котором установлена точка останова.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "breakOnLoad için kullanılacak strateji.",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "Chrome'un her betik yüklenirken duraklamasını ve kaynak eşlemelerini çözümleyerek kesme noktalarını ayarlamasını sağlayın",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "Kesme noktasının ayarlandığı dosya ile aynı ada sahip dosyalarda kesme noktalarını iyimser bir şekilde ayarlar.",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.nls.zh-cn.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "要用于 breakOnLoad 的策略。",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "指示 Chrome 在加载每个脚本时暂停,以便解析源映射并设置断点",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "在与设置断点的文件名相同的文件中乐观地设置断点。",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.nls.zh-tw.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.description": "要用於 breakOnLoad 的策略。",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.instrument.description": "告知 Chrome 在載入每個指令碼時暫停,以解析 sourcemap 及設定中斷點",
"chrome.breakOnLoadStrategy.regex.description": "在與中斷點設定所在檔案同名的檔案中,以開放模式設定中斷點。",
"": "[Experimental] Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension."
"": "Controls whether to delegate \"chrome\"-type launch configs to the js-debug extension.",
"": "This setting is deprecated - please use `debug.javascript.usePreview` instead"

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