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Add test for notebook result grid streaming (#12539)
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* start testing convertAllData

* add test for convertAllData method

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lucyzhang929 authored and smartguest committed Oct 5, 2020
1 parent df4be0c commit 27840e5
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 32 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import * as uuid from 'uuid';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import { DataResourceDataProvider } from '../../browser/outputs/gridOutput.component';
import { IDataResource } from 'sql/workbench/services/notebook/browser/sql/sqlSessionManager';
import { ResultSetSummary } from 'sql/workbench/services/query/common/query';
import { ResultSetSubset, ResultSetSummary } from 'sql/workbench/services/query/common/query';
import { TestNotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/test/common/testNotificationService';
import { TestFileDialogService, TestEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/test/browser/workbenchTestServices';
import { TestContextService } from 'vs/workbench/test/common/workbenchTestServices';
Expand All @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { InstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantia
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { CellModel } from 'sql/workbench/services/notebook/browser/models/cell';
import { createandLoadNotebookModel } from 'sql/workbench/contrib/notebook/test/browser/cellToolbarActions.test';
import QueryRunner from 'sql/workbench/services/query/common/queryRunner';

export class TestSerializationProvider implements azdata.SerializationProvider {
providerId: string;
Expand All @@ -47,67 +48,69 @@ export class TestSerializationProvider implements azdata.SerializationProvider {

suite('Data Resource Data Provider', function () {
let tempFolderPath: string;
let fileDialogService: TypeMoq.Mock<TestFileDialogService>;
let serializer: ResultSerializer;
let dataResourceDataProvider: DataResourceDataProvider;
let notificationService: TestNotificationService;
let serializationService: SerializationService;
let instantiationService: TypeMoq.Mock<InstantiationService>;
let cellModel = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(CellModel);

// Create test data with two rows and two columns
let source: IDataResource = {
data: [{ 0: '1', 1: '2' }, { 0: '3', 1: '4' }],
schema: { fields: [{ name: 'col1' }, { name: 'col2' }] }
let resultSet: ResultSetSummary = {
batchId: 0,
columnInfo: [{ columnName: 'col1' }, { columnName: 'col2' }],
complete: true,
id: 0,
rowCount: 2

suiteSetup(async () => {
// Create test data with two rows and two columns
let source: IDataResource = {
data: [{ 0: '1', 1: '2' }, { 0: '3', 1: '4' }],
schema: { fields: [{ name: 'col1' }, { name: 'col2' }] }
let resultSet: ResultSetSummary = {
batchId: 0,
columnInfo: [{ columnName: 'col1' }, { columnName: 'col2' }],
complete: true,
id: 0,
rowCount: 2
let cellModel = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(CellModel);
let notebookModel = await createandLoadNotebookModel();
cellModel.setup(x => x.notebookModel).returns(() => notebookModel);
tempFolderPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `TestDataResourceDataProvider_${uuid.v4()}`);
await fs.mkdir(tempFolderPath);

// Mock services
let editorService = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(TestEditorService, TypeMoq.MockBehavior.Strict);
editorService.setup(x => x.openEditor(TypeMoq.It.isAny())).returns(() => Promise.resolve(undefined));
let contextService = new TestContextService();
fileDialogService = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(TestFileDialogService, TypeMoq.MockBehavior.Strict);
let _notificationService = new TestNotificationService();
let _serializationService = new SerializationService(undefined, undefined); //_connectionService _capabilitiesService
_serializationService.registerProvider('testProviderId', new TestSerializationProvider());
notificationService = new TestNotificationService();
serializationService = new SerializationService(undefined, undefined); //_connectionService _capabilitiesService
serializationService.registerProvider('testProviderId', new TestSerializationProvider());
serializer = new ResultSerializer(
undefined, // IQueryManagementService
undefined, // IConfigurationService
undefined // IOpenerService
let _instantiationService = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(InstantiationService, TypeMoq.MockBehavior.Strict);
_instantiationService.setup(x => x.createInstance(TypeMoq.It.isValue(ResultSerializer)))
instantiationService = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(InstantiationService, TypeMoq.MockBehavior.Strict);
instantiationService.setup(x => x.createInstance(TypeMoq.It.isValue(ResultSerializer)))
.returns(() => serializer);
dataResourceDataProvider = new DataResourceDataProvider(

test('serializeResults call is successful', async function (): Promise<void> {
let tempFolderPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `TestDataResourceDataProvider_${uuid.v4()}`);
await fs.mkdir(tempFolderPath);
let dataResourceDataProvider = new DataResourceDataProvider(
0, // batchId
0, // id
undefined, // QueryRunner
undefined, // IClipboardService
undefined, // IConfigurationService
undefined, // ITextResourcePropertiesService

test('serializeResults call is successful', async function (): Promise<void> {
let noHeadersFile = URI.file(path.join(tempFolderPath, 'result_noHeaders.csv'));
let fileDialogServiceStub = sinon.stub(fileDialogService.object, 'showSaveDialog').returns(Promise.resolve(noHeadersFile));
let serializerStub = sinon.stub(serializer, 'getBasicSaveParameters').returns({ resultFormat: SaveFormat.CSV as string, includeHeaders: false });
Expand All @@ -128,5 +131,38 @@ suite('Data Resource Data Provider', function () {
const withHeadersResult = await fs.readFile(withHeadersFile.fsPath);
assert.equal(withHeadersResult.toString(), 'col1 col2 \n1 2 \n3 4 \n', 'result data should include headers');

test('convertAllData correctly converts row data to mimetype and html', async function (): Promise<void> {
let resultSetSubset: ResultSetSubset = {
rowCount: 2,
rows: [[{ displayValue: '1' }, { displayValue: '2' }], [{ displayValue: '3' }, { displayValue: '4' }]]
let queryRunner: TypeMoq.Mock<QueryRunner> = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(QueryRunner);
queryRunner.setup(x => x.getQueryRows(TypeMoq.It.isAny(), TypeMoq.It.isAny(), TypeMoq.It.isAny(), TypeMoq.It.isAny())).returns(() => Promise.resolve(resultSetSubset));
let dataResourceDataProvider = new DataResourceDataProvider(
0, // batchId
0, // id
undefined, // IClipboardService
undefined, // IConfigurationService
undefined, // ITextResourcePropertiesService
let spy = sinon.spy(cellModel.object, 'updateOutputData');
let expectedData = {
'application/vnd.dataresource+json': {
data: [{ 0: '1', 1: '2' }, { 0: '3', 1: '4' }],
schema: { fields: [{ name: 'col1' }, { name: 'col2' }] }
'text/html': ['<table>', '<tr><th>col1</th><th>col2</th></tr>', '<tr><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr>', '<tr><td>3</td><td>4</td></tr>', '</table>']
await dataResourceDataProvider.convertAllData(resultSet);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, 0, 0, expectedData);

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