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Node.js examples from Cook's book

Node.js project Directory samples_Cook\ contains Node.js examples presented in Fabian Cook's book "Node.js Essentials" (Packt, 2015).

🔎 The numbering used below – eg. 03 in example 03_basic_auth – refers to the chapter where the example belongs to.

03_basic_auth Example

Command npm.cmd start starts the server application app\app.js which listen to our requests on port 8180 (defined in file config.json 1):

> cd
> start "basic_auth" npm start

> basic_auth@1.0.0 start N:\samples_Cook\03_basic_auth
> node app/app.js

[2018-05-10 19:43:17 INFO] (app.js) Listening on port 8180
[2018-05-10 19:43:33 INFO] (app.js) Requested URL: /
[2018-05-10 19:43:33 INFO] (app.js) Requested URL: /
[2018-05-10 19:43:33 INFO] (app.js) Requested URL: /

Command npm.cmd run client sends several requests to the server:

> npm run client

> basic_auth@1.0.0 client N:\samples_Cook\03_basic_auth
> node npm_scripts/start_client.js

en /
fr /
de /

03_bearer_token Example

Command npm.cmd start starts the server application app\app.js which listen to our requests on port 8180 (defined in file config.json 1):

> start "bear_token" npm start

> bearer_token@1.0.0 start N:\samples_Cook\03_bearer_token
> node .

[2020-07-14 19:06:21 INFO] (app.js) Listening on port 8180

Command npm.cmd run client sends a POST request to the server (endpoint /login):

> npm run client

> bearer_token@1.0.0 client N:\samples_Cook\03_bearer_token
> node npm_scripts/start_client.js

[2020-07-14 19:08:02 INFO] (start_client.js) login: username=foo
[2020-07-14 19:08:02 INFO] (start_client.js) curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"username\": \"foo\", \"password\":\"bar\"}"

03_bearer_token2 Example

Command npm start starts the server application app\app.js which listen to our requests on port 8180 (defined in file config.json 1):

> start "bear_token2" npm start

> bearer_token2@1.0.0 start N:\samples_Cook\03_bearer_token2
> node .

[2021-06-02 12:34:21 INFO] (app.js) Listening on port 8180

Command npm run client sends a POST request to the server (endpoint /login):

> npm run client

> bearer_token@1.0.0 client N:\samples_Cook\03_bearer_token2
> node npm_scripts/start_client.js

[2021-06-02 12:36:18 INFO] (start_client.js) login: username=foo
[2021-06-02 12:36:18 INFO] (start_client.js) curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"username\": \"foo\", \"password\":\"bar\"}"
[2021-06-02 12:36:19 INFO] (start_client.js) curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJmb28iLCJpYXQiOjE2MjI2MzAxNzl9.-vkWn3KQVZdvZh4Eboe1AA7g3vINa7g71c-_uZcQ1j0" -X GET
[2021-06-02 12:36:19 INFO] (start_client.js) json={"id":1,"username":"foo"}

04_logging_morgan Example

Command npm.cmd start starts the server application app\app.js which listen to our requests on port 8180 (defined in file config.json 1):

> start "logging_morgan" npm start

> logging_morgan@1.0.0 start N:\samples_Cook\04_logging_morgan
> node .

Server running on port 8180
GET /info 200 - - 1.651 ms

Command npm.cmd run client sends a GE request to the server (endpoint /info):

> npm run client

> bearer_token@1.0.0 client N:\samples_Cook\03_bearer_token2
> node npm_scripts/start_client.js

[2022-05-27 09:54:46 INFO] (start_client.js) curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" -X GET
[2022-05-27 09:54:46 INFO] (start_client.js) json={"node":"14.20.0","v8":"8.4.371.23-node.87","uv":"1.42.0","zlib":"1.2.11","brotli":"1.0.9","ares":"1.18.1","modules":"83","nghttp2":"1.42.0","napi":"8","llhttp":"2.1.4","openssl":"1.1.1o","cldr":"40.0","icu":"70.1","tz":"2021a3","unicode":"14.0"}


[1] config.json

Only the template file config_TEMPLATE.json is stored in our GitHub repository. The user has to copy it to config.json and update the two JSON fields host and port as desired before running the above code examples.

mics/January 2025