Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
- Trento
- https://micheleurbani.github.io/
- @michele_urbani
Turn-key research data management platform.
Data-driven reduced order modeling for nonlinear dynamical systems
ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
Auriga is a minimalist LaTeX beamer presentation theme 📽
A collection of Jupyter notebooks providing tutorials on reduced order modeling techniques like DeepONet, FNO, DL-ROM, and POD-DL-ROM. Easily runnable on Google Colab.
📈 Adaptive: parallel active learning of mathematical functions
Operator Inference for data-driven, non-intrusive model reduction of dynamical systems.
A general-purpose, deep learning-first library for constrained optimization in PyTorch
Interfaces and helper functions for writing FMI-compliant model/slave code in C++
Simple Modelica Artificial Intelligence Interface
A lightweight header-only library for using Keras (TensorFlow) models in C++.
A curated list of Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) libraries, tools and resources.
Deep Learning for Reduced Order Modelling
A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
A lightweight framework that enables the packaging of Python3.x code as co-simulation FMUs
A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
Simulate Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) in Python
Functional Mock-up Units for development, testing and debugging
An unofficial, sync/async Python SDK for Tastytrade!
A C++ platform to perform parallel computations of optimisation tasks (global and local) via the asynchronous generalized island model.
Quickstart for EURO Meets NeurIPS 2022 Vehicle Routing Competition
Vehicle Routing Open-source Optimization Machine
Framework for solving discrete optimization problems using a combination of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MIP) and Machine Learning (ML)