A survival game where the player must try to survive for as long as they can, by killing the different types of enemies.
- Added frenemy attack script, it allows the players to turn enemies into friends and attack other enemies.
- Added frenemy movement script, allows frenemies to search for other enemies, and follow and attack them once found.
- Added extra weapons, it allows player to select extra weapons like grenade launcher and shotgun
- Added the functionality to generate random spawn points.
- Followed Survival Shooter tutorial on Unity.
- Frenemy Object by Dr. Edward Brown: brown@mun.ca
- Grenade icon made by xnimrodx from www.flaticon.com
- Shotgun icon made by Nikita Golubev from www.flaticon.com
- Game UX design principles by Celia Hodent from her book The Gamer's Brain
- Alarm sound effects obtained from SoundBible.com
- Grenade Launcher and Shotgun sound effects ontained from freesoundeffects.com
- Popup Manager and Tutorial Manager designed and written by RonakBParmar