API server for "MegamVertice" 1.5.x or < 2.0
API server for 2.0 is based on rust and will be release shortly.
The API server protects the RESTful resources using
- HMAC based authorization.
- PASSWORD based on PBKDF2
- AuthAuth using a master key
You'll need sbt
build tool. and OpenJDK8.0
After you have forked a copy of https://github.com/megamsys/vertice_gateway.git
* git clone https://github.com/<your_github_id>/vertice_gateway.git
* cd vertice_gateway
* sbt
* clean
* compile
* cd vertice_gateway/db
* cqlsh -f base.cql
* cqlsh -f 1.5.cql
* cqlsh -f 1.5.1.cql
* cqlsh -f 1.5.2.cql
* cqlsh -f ee.cql
* cqlsh -f me.cql
Create a home directory to store configuration files for MegamVertice
$ cd ~
$ mkdir -p megam/home/verticegateway
Edit your .bashrc
In your .bashrc file add the following line
export MEGAM_HOME=$HOME/megam/home
After this enter save the .bashrc file.Use the following command
source ~/.bashrc
Copy configuration files to $MEGAM_HOME/verticegateway
$ cd vertice_gateway (your cloned location)
$ cp conf/gateway.conf $MEGAM_HOME/verticegateway
$ cp conf/logger.xml $MEGAM_HOME/verticegateway
* cd vertice_gateway
* sbt
* clean
* compile
* run
You'll see this in your browser.
"status" : {
"casssandra" : "up",
"nsq" : "down"
"runtime" : {
"total_mem" : "975 MB",
"freemem" : "649 MB",
"cores" : "4",
"freespace" : "399 of 450 GB"
Now you are all set.
Refer [docs](https://docs.megam.io] and we'll publish vertice.raml shortly.
To generate the html docs.
npm install -g raml2html
raml2html vertice.raml
As this is heavy on memory, we have a work in progress 2.0 code which is based on rust.
For [documentation] (http://docs.megam.io) [devkit] (https://github.com/megamsys/vertice_dev_kit)
Megam - Humans (humans@megam.io)