Lightweight repository manager for Maven artifacts
Releases: GitHub Downloads
- Working repository manager
- Multiple repositories under a single URL
- Deploy
- Authorization
- Proxy for the specified remote repositories
- Front page
- Statistics
- Code quality
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# Nano Maven #
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# General Repository Name
repository-name: NanoMaven Repository
# Hostname
hostname: ''
# Port
port: 80
# Include a repository names in the path
repository-path-enabled: false
# Enable directory indexing
indexing-enabled: true
# Nested Maven
nested-maven: true
# External Maven directory (if 'nested-maven': false)
external-maven: /usr/local/share/java/maven33
# Accept deployment connections
deploy-enabled: true
# Require authorization
authorization-enabled: true
# Administrator accounts
- dzikoysk
Commands can be invoked from the console
NanoMaven 1.0.4 Commands:
help - List available commands
users - List all registered users
projects - List all added projects
add-user <username> <password> - Add user
add-project <repository>.<groupId>/<artifactId> - Add project extra data
add-member <repository>.<groupId>/<artifactId> <username> - Add user to the specified project
reinstall-artifacts (rs) - Reinstall all artifacts
You can also use maven to embed NanoMaven in your application
<name>Panda Repository</name>