This is a tool for generating a responsive Bootstrap-based static HTML survey form. This works well for low-powered mobile devices and also allows you to put host your survey yourself. Includes scripts for collecting answers in a DynamoDB table or ESRI form.
The generated HTML supports automatic language detection and switching between languages (including right-to-left in Hebrew, Arabic and Farsi).
The data for the survey is read from an Excel file containing the questions and choices, in a format similar to that used by Survey123.
This tool is in no way affiliated with ESRI or Survey123, and only supports a subset of features in Survey123.
The tool is written in C# and can be compiled using VisualStudio 2022 in the gensurvey directory.
The input to GenSurvey.exe is as follows:
-i, --input
Required. source template excel file
-t, --templateheader
Required. HTML to insert into head of survey. This contains some support Javascript and HTML metadata. Also contains the post-action URL which accepts the response with the answers to the questions.
You need to have server-side support for the POST action to store the results somewhere. There an included server-side JavaScript in the Amazon Lambda for posting the answer either to an ESRI form or to a Amazon DynamoDB table.
-z, --zip
Creates ZIP archive with contents of survey for all languages
-h, --html
Creates html file with language specified
-l, --lang
(Default: en) default language for HTML