- TypeScript first: The SDK provides a robust and type-safe development experience.
- Modular architecture: The SDK is split into separate modules, giving you granular control over which features to include and which can be pruned at build-time.
- Lightweight and dependency-free: It does not require external libraries, ensuring a lighter bundle and streamlined experience.
The client is split up in separate features you can mix and match to compose a client with only the features you need or want.
const client = createDirectus<Schema>('https://api.directus.io');
This client is currently an empty wrapper without any functionality. Before you can do anything with it you'll need to add some features. The following composables are available/in progress:
REST request functions- adds
on the client
- adds
GraphQL request functions- adds
on the client
- adds
authentication functions- adds
on the client
- adds
authentication functions- adds
.login({ email, password })
on the client - adds
on the client
- adds
websocket connectivity- adds
,.onWebsocket('message', (message) => {})
on the client
- adds
For this example we'll build a client including rest
and graphql
const client = createDirectus<Schema>('https://api.directus.io').with(rest()).with(graphql());
// do a REST request
const restResult = await client.request(readItems('articles'));
// do a GraphQL request
const gqlResult = await client.query<OutputType>(`
query {
articles {
author {
const client = createDirectus<Schema>('https://api.directus.io').with(rest()).with(authentication('json'));
await client.login('admin@example.com', 'd1r3ctu5');
// do authenticated requests
const client = createDirectus<Schema>('https://api.directus.io').with(rest()).with(staticToken('super-secure-token'));
// do authenticated requests
The realtime()
extension allows you to work with a Directus REST WebSocket.
Subscribing to updates:
const client = createDirectus<Schema>('https://api.directus.io').with(
authMode: 'public',
const { subscription, unsubscribe } = await client.subscribe('test', {
query: { fields: ['*'] },
for await (const item of subscription) {
console.log('subscription', { item });
// unsubscribe()
Receive/Send messages:
const client = createDirectus<Schema>('https://api.directus.io').with(
authMode: 'public',
const stop = client.onWebSocket('message', (message) => {
if ('type' in message && message['type'] === 'pong') {
console.log('PONG received');
client.sendMessage({ type: 'ping' });
// The main schema type containing all collections available
interface MySchema {
collection_a: CollectionA[]; // regular collections are array types
collection_b: CollectionB[];
collection_c: CollectionC; // this is a singleton
// junction collections are collections too
collection_a_b_m2m: CollectionAB_Many[];
collection_a_b_m2a: CollectionAB_Any[];
// collection A
interface CollectionA {
id: number;
status: string;
// relations
m2o: number | CollectionB;
o2m: number[] | CollectionB[];
m2m: number[] | CollectionAB_Many[];
m2a: number[] | CollectionAB_Any[];
// Many-to-Many junction table
interface CollectionAB_Many {
id: number;
collection_a_id: CollectionA;
collection_b_id: CollectionB;
// Many-to-Any junction table
interface CollectionAB_Any {
id: number;
collection_a_id: CollectionA;
collection: 'collection_b' | 'collection_c';
item: string | CollectionB | CollectionC;
// collection B
interface CollectionB {
id: number;
value: string;
// singleton collection
interface CollectionC {
id: number;
app_settings: string;
something: string;