A curated list of development and deployment tools for Computer Vision projects Data serialization languages (JSON, YAML, XML) Ways to save/load data to/from files (CSV, JSON, H5Py, Pickle, NumPy) Python environment / package managers (pip, pipenv, pypoetry, conda) Container management Docker (recommended) Kubernetes (recommended) IDE and extensions VSCode (recommended) Eclipse PyCharm Cloud computing service providers AWS (recommended) GCP Azure NoSQL databases MongoDB (recommended) Cassandra SQL databases MySQL (recommended) Oracle PostgreSQL In-memory database Redis Memcached Distributed streaming platform Kafka API development tools Thunder Client Postman Testfully Insomnia Deep learning frameworks PyTorch Tensorflow Keras Theano (discontinued) Caffe (discontinued) ML management and experimentation (MLflow, Airflow, Wandb, neptune.ai, DVC) Data augmentation frameworks for computer vision (albumentations, imgaug, augmentor) Important libraries for computer vision (NumPy, OpenCV, PIL, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, SciPy, Pandas)